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A little hamon action!

So again, this is my first razor. It was HT'ed to potentially have a hamon line. it wasnt clay coated, more of an interrupted quench. I figured befor I boxed it up to send out, I would give it a few seconds in Ferric Chloride. Here is the result, not a lot of action, but it is indeed there. :biggrin1:


For a first attempt that razor is stunning.

But the maker's mark gives away that you are indeed someone with a LOT of experience from knife making :biggrin:
So I it will be very interesting to see what you come up with in the future regarding razor making.
Any jimping/filework would be done prior to HT. It can be done after the fact to a point, but a dremmel tool would likely be the only way. Files will slide off of the steel with no effect at this hardness. This is my first razor, but I have been "shaping" steel for several years now.
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