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a L.O.S.E.R. needs advice - keep or sell your DE's?

So here's the question: Do you true-blue certified L.O.S.E.R.'s sell off (or donate) your DE's.... or let them gather dust on the shelf?

Here's my situation:
After buying and trying (a few) dozen razors, I have settled on rotating through my GEM SE's for everyday use:
My favorites:
1. Streamline
2. Damaskeene
3. Push Button
4. 1912

I gotta admit to myself that I am not really going to use any of the 10 or so DE's I bought over the last year
- except my Merkur adjustable, which is fun to play with.

So I want to know from fellow L.O.S.E.R.'s - did you keep or sell off your DE's when you became a LOSER?

i hereby officially announce that as a service to fellow B&B members i am willing to accept donations of unloved DEs --- jk

i have a couple of razors that are moving down in popularity so i have wondered the same thing. barring needing cash for something else, i will probably hang onto them.
I kept evrything for the longest time.


I ended up selling of a LOT of my SE, Injector, and DE razors, getting down to the core of what I truly enjoyed using.

I haven't used any of the SE razors I held back in over a month now and it is about time to pull out another blade and use them exclusively for a week or more.

SO I guess my advice is to do nothing. Sooner or later everything comes full circle and you may put your SE razors away for a while and enjoy some of the other razors you have laying around
I went from DE to SE to Straight. I keep a Superspeed & a 1912 around as it's nice to have the option but I sold off the other 10 or so de's & se's. With the funds I bought hones which should I ever wander back to safety razors I figure I can sell of a few stones and pick up a few razors.
I try to be equal time between DE, SE, Injectors and straights.
My skillz with DE have improved so enormously over the last year that I can now get as good a shave out of a Slim or a Single Ring as I can with a 1914 or a Schick C.

I'm loathe to part with any of them - I enjoy the variety.
I'm crazy about my single edges,but there's a couple of DE razors I have that will deliver as fine a shave as any SE around.

It's harder to find a stellar DE than an SE but they exist...
I was crazy for collecting DE razors when I first started. Now that I am SE only, I keep my DE as part of my collection. I love all my razors, but I only use the SEs.
I only use my SE's and Injectors but haven't been able been able to throw out my DE's. They will probably continue to collect dust.
I sold all my DE razors and my straight once I had the E3, doesn't mean you have to and in hindsight I wish I had kept at least on ... I will buy another sometime most likely a birth year one in mint condition. C1 in case you were wondering ;]
I got rid of mine and don't think I'll goo back. Gave out the blades and the razors. Keeps things clean just SE razors and blades. But to be fair I am not a pack rat. I get rid of all my unused items in life. Clutter is not my thing.
I kept evrything for the longest time.


I ended up selling of a LOT of my SE, Injector, and DE razors, getting down to the core of what I truly enjoyed using.

I haven't used any of the SE razors I held back in over a month now and it is about time to pull out another blade and use them exclusively for a week or more.

SO I guess my advice is to do nothing. Sooner or later everything comes full circle and you may put your SE razors away for a while and enjoy some of the other razors you have laying around

Outstanding advice from Turtle
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