I decide to try these blades again, since I remember the first time I tried them I ended up not liking them much. zi knew it was mostly due to technique as I was barely starting out at the time. They were the second blades i tried at the time first ones being the Lord platinum that came with my lord L6. Well this time i decided to shave before the shower and I had about a Days worth of growth. Keep in mind that I get a smoother, closer shave if I skip a day so I wasn't expecting a too good of a shave but the girlfriend was coming over and didn't wanna look scruffy. I splashed warm water on my face and washed my face with a neutrogena face wash. The whipped a lather with an almond size of Bigelow new formula using my Escali badger brush. It looked nice and thick so I knew I had a good lather this time. I lathered up my face and went with the first pass WTG, I felt the blade touch my skin and cut away the whiskers and I noticed it was quite smooth. Not as smooth as Red IP but smooth none the less. For the second pass I went ATG and managed to remove some mre stubble, it did drag and i could hear it cutting but there was not much painful tugging as I had with a Derby. I decided to go ATG for the final pass and one thing i noticed was the when I shaved above my adam's apple it didn't tug like the majority of the other blades. I did a final touch up and I ended up with a DFS which Im quite happy about. I showered and finished up the shave with some barbasol Pacific Rush. All I can say it's that I was surprised I got a good shave with these blades, and maybe it was due to the fact that I was a little extra careful with my shave. Who knows but I feel good knowing I can pick up these blades at my local 99 cents stores if I ever find myself waiting for a pack of my first 100 which I haven't ordered yet. So there it is people, so for those who have used them, what's your opinion on these blades?