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9/11 Truth Movement/Conspiracy theories...

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I am in no way saying that I believe anything other than the official story about 9/11. I see no evidence of a cover up, conspiracy, or anything like that. But I do find this whole "9/11 truth movement" thing quite fascinating. I think these folks do ask some interesting and tough questions - questions for which there might not be an answer available, or that have not been answered by the government. Of course, not having answers does not mean that something illicit is or has been going on. I also firmly believe that the "truthers" as they are sometimes called, are patriots and their love of their country and their desire to protect it should never be called into question. After all, their operating assumption is that they are seeking to right a wrong that was done to the nation.

I am just curious to know what others here think of the "9/11 truth movement" and of the various September 11th conspiracy theories.
I think the crazies dredging up 9/11, not leaving it alone, and tossing conspiracy theories and "truths" back and forth is pathetic at best and incendiary at worst. Thousands of innocents lost their lives that day, and a nation was changed forever. We all saw the truth of what happened on the television news, over and over again.
I think the crazies dredging up 9/11, not leaving it alone, and tossing conspiracy theories and "truths" back and forth is pathetic at best and incendiary at worst. Thousands of innocents lost their lives that day, and a nation was changed forever. We all saw the truth of what happened on the television news, over and over again.

I agree it an have negative effects. But as I was saying, these people (at least most of them) do have honorable, indeed noble, intentions. They would tell you that it is because thousands of people lost their lives that they are engaging in this movement. They'd probably also cite the fact that many times that number lost their lives in the Iraq War that was started because of unfounded fears surrounding the events of 9/11.
I agree it an have negative effects. But as I was saying, these people (at least most of them) do have honorable, indeed noble, intentions. They would tell you that it is because thousands of people lost their lives that they are engaging in this movement. They'd probably also cite the fact that many times that number lost their lives in the Iraq War that was started because of unfounded fears surrounding the events of 9/11.
I can understand the reasoning...to a point. To me, it's treading on sacred ground.
The problem was that the 911 Commission did not do a good job, so it left lingering doubts.

I've heard two things that raise my eyebrows: that there was some interesting activity on the stock exchange the day before 911, like someone was betting on trouble in the USA.

And, one engineering professor ? (I think from Brigham Young) said that he didn't think the planes could have brought both buildings down.

Well, all the evidence is buried now, or recycled, so we will never know (unless someone confesses and has some proof, of course). So I am in the camp that says keep an open mind about a conspiracy, but it's probably too late to get a definitive answer so let it go.
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And again, that sacredness is why these folks push onward and proclaim what they see as the truth. You can't always choose the things which you will believe or that you feel in your heart. If you believed that there were lies and a cover up, then surely you would feel it to be a sacred duty to do something about it.

But you're right, for those who know the truth, which is that there were no lies or cover up, conspiracy or false flag operation, it must feel like these people are trivializing this horrific event.
I am not trying to pour fuel on a fire, but pretty much every instance of a "truther" questioning the official version of 9-11, at least the ones that I have heard, has been an attempt to blame the government for 9-11 being an inside job.

That appears to be the end that justifies the means.
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I had a college professor that was obsessed with all of these theories. He would listen to Alex Jones radio station all day. He had all types of bumper stickers etc. all over the place.


He gave me his membership id so I could gain access to all the videos on that site and I watch a number of them. Pretty interesting stuff and their is a bunch of stuff on their not only about 9/11, but other "conspiracy theories" about the government.

I do realize that many people are making money off of this and getting their 15 minutes of fame so I took most of this with a grain of salt.

i'm not staying up for this one :001_rolle
Still about a page out from a thread lock.

Heh, well, it depends on who jumps in!

Anyway, I'm a big believer in a few theories:

  1. Any conspiracy requiring more than about three people will have someone squeal, sometime.
  2. Larger conspiracies require everything to go just right, which it never will.
  3. The world is full of random and stochastic components that may occasionally provide a weird outcome -- though such a happening doesn't mean it's anthropogenic.
  4. simpler explanations (that are not simplistic and vapid) are most often best.
  5. The human brain is geared/wired to look for patterns and similarities; Jesus didn't burn your toast "just so", nor did the Virgin Mary decide the wood grain on your door should bear Her likeness. You can see what you want to see (unless you're Rich and it's one of those "Magic Eye 3D" pictures), so be careful you don't dupe yourself.

And, one engineering professor ? (I think from Brigham Young) said that he didn't think the planes could have brought both buildings down.

Well, there you go, thinking is not one of his stronger points.

I saw one building come down. My coworkers saw the 2nd Plane hit.

Enough Said.
As long as idiots like Charlie Sheen and other knowledgeable (?) Hollywood insiders spout a conspiracy theory concerning 9/11, they will in my mind forever remain idiots. I believe it was pretty apparent that the planes brought down the buildings. I think most of us actually watched as it happened. I know many people say we got in the war to get oil, but will someone show me the first drop we have received.

Conspiracy - okey then, let's talk conspiracy. - Massive oil spill - a failed battery, bad government inspections, and waived government regulations. Must be the environmental wacko's that don't want us to drill. Now that's a conspiracy theory.

I should now zip my mouth shut and go back to reading about brushes and razors.
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