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7 o'clock Yellow vs Green?

Just trying to replace my depleted stock of swedish Gillette and I tried the green 7 o'clock and its been very rough.
Now I just noticed there is yellow and green packaging? Is there any difference?
yes, the yellows are coated with (I think) teflon, and at least to me, seem sharper. These are my go-to blades after having rejected the greens.
7 O'Clock Yellow - Russia
7 O'Clock Green stainless - Russia
7 O'Clock Green Permasharp - India
7 O'Clock Black Super Stainless - India

I can say that the black and green from India are very sharp and break in after 2 shaves to become very smooth. The green one from Russia I find to be a harsh blade on my skin. No experience of the yellow.

check out this thread
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i found the green uncoated to be pretty rough. the yellow coated are sharp and much smoother. haven't tried the black, although i know some people like them.
i found the green uncoated to be pretty rough.

Which of the "Greens" is coated, Russian or Indian?

I find the Yellows to be the smoothest of any of the 5 kinds of blades I have tried so far, btw.
Just finished shaving with the yellow; 2 passes(WTG,XTG) and I am lightbulb smooth(squeaky! clean).

The yellows are what I reach for when I want sharp, smooth, and quick. When I have the time I would otherwise reach for a feather.

I shaved with a Gillette Super Stainless (green package, DrIdiot) for my last two shaves in a Feather Portable. I am looking for my next blade(s) after my Swedes run out. That won't be for a while, but it will be a sad day.

The blade is not bad at all. Not quite as smooth and sharp as a Swede but pretty close. I am only on shave 2 with it, but it was already dogging on some of my tougher XTG areas this morning which is a tell-tale sign I need to bin the blade. I will try for 3 shaves, but fear that is all I will get from it.
I shaved with a Gillette Super Stainless (green package, DrIdiot) for my last two shaves in a Feather Portable. I am looking for my next blade(s) after my Swedes run out. That won't be for a while, but it will be a sad day.

The blade is not bad at all. Not quite as smooth and sharp as a Swede but pretty close. I am only on shave 2 with it, but it was already dogging on some of my tougher XTG areas this morning which is a tell-tale sign I need to bin the blade. I will try for 3 shaves, but fear that is all I will get from it.

If you like the greens, you're gonna love the yellows. I can get 6/7 very good shaves out of each blade. Also worth trying (tie for me w/ the yellows) are the Astra Superior Platinums.
Love the permasharp greens. The first razor blade I used.
But they are pricey! I get them in nyc, along with the blacks for 4.99 for 5! :w00t:

Any idea where to get them cheaper? :)
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