Quick blurb from Coolmaterial about some new beers to check out. The Founders KBS looks really good!
"As you hit your local liquor shop in search of some new beers to try, there are a few that are worth keeping an eye out for. Some of them are brand new and some are seasonal offerings just hitting shelves. So next time youre out scouting potential fridge dwellers, keep an eye out for these 7."
1. Fort Collins Hoptitude Fort Collins Brewery
2. Boulevard Coffee Ale Boulevard Brewing
3. Odell Tree Shaker Imperial Peach IPA Odell Brewing
4. Dogfish Head & Sierra Nevada Rhizing Bines Dogfish Head
5. New Belgium Rolle Bolle New Belgium
6. Firestone Walker Parabola Firestone Brewing Company
7. Founders KBS Founders Brewing

"As you hit your local liquor shop in search of some new beers to try, there are a few that are worth keeping an eye out for. Some of them are brand new and some are seasonal offerings just hitting shelves. So next time youre out scouting potential fridge dwellers, keep an eye out for these 7."
1. Fort Collins Hoptitude Fort Collins Brewery
2. Boulevard Coffee Ale Boulevard Brewing
3. Odell Tree Shaker Imperial Peach IPA Odell Brewing
4. Dogfish Head & Sierra Nevada Rhizing Bines Dogfish Head
5. New Belgium Rolle Bolle New Belgium
6. Firestone Walker Parabola Firestone Brewing Company
7. Founders KBS Founders Brewing
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