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7/8 Tigereye 50/50 Recon Stone Scales

Ray, did you cut and shape those with the laser? Or, did you just cut them with the laser and then shape them with some other method?

Looking good!
Looks awesome, but I have to ask, how are you going to account for flex? Recon stone is very brittle. I have snapped it in half with hardly any effort.
Ray, did you cut and shape those with the laser? Or, did you just cut them with the laser and then shape them with some other method?

Looking good!

I cut the blank pattern on the laser and then sanded them out with my belt bench belt and disc sander. Of coarse I finished by hand the bussed.

Looks awesome, but I have to ask, how are you going to account for flex? Recon stone is very brittle. I have snapped it in half with hardly any effort.

Good question, if your using 85/15 recon they will snap in a heartbeat. These are 50/50 and have a considerable amount of flex and are much lighter that the 85/15.

And thanks fellows. Off to cut some snake skin now.
I cut the blank pattern on the laser and then sanded them out with my belt bench belt and disc sander. Of coarse I finished by hand the bussed.

I figured, but I didn't want to under estimate the power of your laser beam (said in best Dr. Evil voice).
I figured, but I didn't want to under estimate the power of your laser beam (said in best Dr. Evil voice).

Actually, If I made the pattern incrementally smaller and smaller I could feasibly create a radius edge but it is quicker and less expensive to use a belt.

The speed is in the cutting. It took a whole 35 or so seconds to cut the two scales out.
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