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7 0'clock safety razor ???

This little piece of treasure has just popped up on a local auction site, I'm guessing it's an SE but I really don't know. The photos aren't that good but I think it's the best the guy could do with his cell phone.
Anyone know anything about this razor.
Thanks guys,


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That sure looks like an SE design to me. The rounded part holding the head is reminiscent of some early Wilkinson and other SE sets.
Highlights from Waits for the 7 o-clock (FYI the pictures match yours in Waits):

AutoStrop Safety Razor Co., Ltd., London, England
TM first used 13 Feb 1913
Single-edged, closed comb guard knurled handle
Can be stropped without removing blade.
Different design then the U.S.-manufactured AutoStrop razors.

I'd love for one of those to show up Stateside. I can't tell from anything available to me if they take the earlier AutoStrop blades, or can accommodate modern SE blades, or what.
I'd love for one of those to show up Stateside. I can't tell from anything available to me if they take the earlier AutoStrop blades, or can accommodate modern SE blades, or what.

I'm pretty sure they do take the same blades as the older AutoStrops and probably could be made to work with a despined modern SE blade. I don't personally have one of these types to test on though.
I have one, you have to de-spine the modern blades best I can guess because it would be too thick. Mine is just on the "wacky SE section" in the razor cabinet.
Pre-Valet Autostrop.

Alas, FEATHER/Valet blades are just a little bit too long ... but ... remove the spine and crack the back corners off a GEM blade and slide it in between the plates. I'm shaving with mine tonight.
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