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5 SE blade comparison

Below is my mileage; yours etc etc...

I have now compared the commonly available Gem storebought, the Gem PTFE, the Treet, the Blue Star and the Pal. My personal rankings, in best to worst order:

[very closely followed by]

[big gap here]
Blue Star
Storebought Gem


Storebought Gem
Blue Star

I'm not ranking on durability/how long a blade lasts since those are (to me) secondary issues...in my experience even the best blade is going to wear out within a half dozen or so shaves so I consider it negligible. If I had to guess, the average of the three that were worth trying more than once (that excludes the common Gem and Blue Star) is three decent shaves, then bury the soldier.

So eliminating the bottom two, the remaining three blades are in the same ballpark. Not identical, but similar. However, each has plus and minus to consider when looking to stock up:

  • Treets are the hands down sharpest, mowing through days worth of growth without hesitation. But being carbon, it probably won't hold that edge as long as some buyers would like. Sharpness also makes it a dangerous blade...you gotta pay attention when you load up with a Treet.

  • The PTFE Gems are near DE smooth (no kidding, it's by far the most pleasant feeling SE shave of the five). And it does shave well. However, it appears to be a pricier blade.

  • The carbon Pal is smoother than the Treet and not far behind the PTFE. But I don't think it's quite as sharp as either. The shave - while decent - takes more passes than either of the others to get you BBS. It'll do it, but it'll take longer. Also: since the Pal, too, is a carbon blade, having to make more passes per shave might not bode well for blade life.

IMO, Blue Star and Gem storeboughts aren't worth consideration as shave razors.

Overall, I give the nod to the Pal SE for its combination of decent cut and acceptable smoothness, combined with a very nice price per 100.

I would imagine the PTFE Gems would be second best buy, depending on how long the stainless holds the nice edge it comes with. However, if it holds its edge AND smoothness for, say, double the shaves of the Pal or Treet (others can tell me if it will or not, I do not know), that'd definitely alter the price equation and would cause me to possibly give it the top slot. More data is needed on that, though. Until then, I'll buy Pals when these 100 run out.

Views and opinions of other SE users welcome.
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Nice work, Don. I used the Pella for the second time today in a G-Bar with very good results. To me it feels very similar to the GEM/Personna from Walgreens blades which really disagree with your face. A definite YMMV.
Nice work, Don. I used the Pella for the second time today in a G-Bar with very good results. To me it feels very similar to the GEM/Personna from Walgreens blades which really disagree with your face. A definite YMMV.

So you've had pretty much the same result from the Pella coated Gem as from the regular Gems from stores?
In a blind test I don't think I could tell a difference. Until I started messing around with the Treet's I had only used the GEM/Personna from Walgreens. The Pella I tried out the last couple days feels the same.
So you've had pretty much the same result from the Pella coated Gem as from the regular Gems from stores?
If that's not counting shipping it's about break even with the Pals (.08 each w/o shipping), assuming the Pals last half as long, which is likely. If that IS counting shipping - that is, buying your own stock direct from Ted and paying shipping - then there's no better deal than the PTFE.
In a blind test I don't think I could tell a difference. Until I started messing around with the Treet's I had only used the GEM/Personna from Walgreens. The Pella I tried out the last couple days feels the same.

That's wild...the store Gems do nothing for my beard but the coated are great. You, otoh, can't really tell much difference between the two. Veddy interesting.

Did you say you already tried the Pals?
That's wild...the store Gems do nothing for my beard but the coated are great. You, otoh, can't really tell much difference between the two. Veddy interesting.

Did you say you already tried the Pals?

No I haven't, can't find them anywhere around here. I was talking to another member earlier via PM who doesn't like the Pella's but has great luck with the GEM/Personna's. Fascinating how the results vary so much.
No I haven't, can't find them anywhere around here. I was talking to another member earlier via PM who doesn't like the Pella's but has great luck with the GEM/Personna's. Fascinating how the results vary so much.

If you have some PTFEs to swap, I'll be glad to send you some of the Pals. Fairly comparable to the Treet, so you may have good fortune with them. Will send you one to try regardless, if I still have your address.
I may just order a 10 pack from Amazon to try. I can tack it onto a bigger order for free shipping.

If you have some PTFEs to swap, I'll be glad to send you some of the Pals. Fairly comparable to the Treet, so you may have good fortune with them. Will send you one to try regardless, if I still have your address.
PTFE coated Gems 6 to 7 shaves and .18 per blade= the best blade IMHO

Just had my 3rd shave with the group buy blade (thanks again, Brian) and the blade seems unused. So I am looking forward to at least 6 shaves.
Just had my 3rd shave with the group buy blade (thanks again, Brian) and the blade seems unused. So I am looking forward to at least 6 shaves.

Where can the PTFE coated Gem blades be purchased other than tedpella.com? I've got a push-button Gem on the way and need to get some blades on the way too. But I don't need 200 of them or want to spend $35 plus shipping right now until I try them out over a week or two. Thanks.
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Might I suggest palm stropping the carbon steel blades before every shave (including the first). In my experience, this bumps the smoothness up to astronomical levels compared to the stainless/coated blades, while stretching the blade longevity at least 2 more shaves.

Another observation if i may: The Carbon steel blades work best (for me) in razors designed for carbon steel blades (1912, 1924, micromatic) and vice versa for the stainless blades (G-Bar, etc).
Thanks for the tip, will definitely give it a try.

Might I suggest palm stropping the carbon steel blades before every shave (including the first). In my experience, this bumps the smoothness up to astronomical levels compared to the stainless/coated blades, while stretching the blade longevity at least 2 more shaves.

Another observation if i may: The Carbon steel blades work best (for me) in razors designed for carbon steel blades (1912, 1924, micromatic) and vice versa for the stainless blades (G-Bar, etc).
Very cool post, Don.:thumbup1:
My preferred blade is the coated Gem from Ted Pella. It's been a while since I broke out a Treet, I might have to load one up today to check again, but they tend not to agree with me. I love the Pal blades spineless in my Auto Strops, the stropping really puts an amazing edge on those blades. I need to find a stropping handle so I can use them spine on in other razors.
Thanks for the post. I've got a huge stock of the "Amazon" Gems, and can't tell any difference between them and the Walgreens ones, which work great for me. Some people have questioned whether they're the same as the Pellas or not, but they definitely are PFTE Gems.

Looking forward to trying the Treets. Was surprised that I actually found them at the cash register of a local grocery. Also have some Blue Stars, but I've never seen the PALs.
I need to find a stropping handle so I can use them spine on in other razors.

Try one of the cheapo barber shavettes :thumbup1:

just remove the half-DE "carrier" and CAREFULLY slide the SE blade in
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Try one of the cheapo barber shavettes :thumbup1:

just remove the half-DE "carrier" and CAREFULLY slide the SE blade in

Hey, I got one of those laying around somewhere. Forgot about it after it came in a lot of other stuff I actually wanted. Guess I might as well take that last shaving step to a straight (or semi-straight, like that thing...I'll never try an actual straight).

Well, after two months of using nothing but either a savage injector or a wicked sharp SE, tonight I dropped a minty '60s Gillette blade into the Diplomat. Man, it really is like a lot of guys have said: it's almost too easy. Whipped off a BBS in nothing flat, with no damage. Nice shave, but no challenge, know what I mean?
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