I believe this is due more to genetics...some peoples hair just grows back faster.
For me, 5 o'clock shadow is the result of genetics. But if I shave with a Merkur blade, I have 5 o'clock shadow before I even get to work.
I use to get the 5 o'clock until I started using the DE...
I believe this is due more to genetics...some peoples hair just grows back faster.
It stands to reason that cartridge blades, with their ability to cut hair off subcutaneously would result in a longer period before regrowth becomes obvious.
It stands to reason that cartridge blades, with their ability to cut hair off subcutaneously would result in a longer period before regrowth becomes obvious.
The idea that the first blade somehow stretches the whisker out for subsequent blades to cut sounds like a bunch of bullhooey to me. Has this ever been documented, or is it just one of those things that's been repeated enough that it's now accepted as fact?