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$5 Chineese razor mod.

So I bought a rimei safety razor for 5 bucks to shave my legs with.
Didn't shave close enough for me so I put a rod through the middle of the handle and now can adjust blade angle.

Now with it all tightened about 2 threads hang out of the screw at the base. To make the blade angle straighter i just loosen the head then tighten the screw at the base.


Pretty nice for 5 bucks.
Very nice modification.

I've thought about trying to modify DE razors such as converting a solid safety bar into an open comb or merely doing different designs such as the Grand Shave King. Has anyone else done this?
Once you screw the head into the handle how does the rod adjust anything? I do not understand this mod.
Once you screw the head into the handle how does the rod adjust anything? I do not understand this mod.

I believe the rod pushes up on the threaded screw to further bend the razor blade. So if it's tightened all the way, it would deform the blade the most. If it's loosened, it would be flatter, as the OP mentioned. Kind of like the poor man's adjustable.
I just read the OP a bit closer and I think I understand now. Loosening the head adjusts the blade angle and the rod is just to lock the head into place. I get it.
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