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4k for Topgumby


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
I see that you reached it at the same time than Kyle... :lol:


All I can say is, posting this stream of consciousness stuff his a lot healthier and cheaper than the medications... :lol:
Your humor is a bright spot in a sometimes otherwise gloomy day.


Man, I had no idea.

That's pretty heavy, almost like a responsibility.

I better start getting more serious about all this, then.

I resolve that the next 4k posts will be serious and meaningful.



My elbows leak
Staff member
Man, I had no idea.

That's pretty heavy, almost like a responsibility.

I better start getting more serious about all this, then.

I resolve that the next 4k posts will be serious and meaningful.


You say you're going to be meaningful, and then you post a picture like that???

Everyone knows that a proper place setting has the knife with the cutting edge TOWARDS the plate!!!

I know this because I read the Springs1 post.
Phil, you eagle eyed Emily Post, you.

Just goes to show that Grandpappy was right. He'd often say to me, after a hard day of flogging flounder at the bottomfeeding ranch, "Son, you can lead a kitty to carrots, but you can't teach 'em a damn thing about flatware!"

Grandpappy was a fine man, but his big contribution to shaving never caught on. He figured if them high strung city folks just couldn't get enough of those Super Speeds, he'd market a razor that used a fishing reel mechanism to open the silo doors called the "Average Slow". Too bad the prototype got smashed to bits during the great Carp stampede of '26.

Thanks for the kind words, gents. I'm sure Grandpappy is somewhere, lying in that big mudbank in the sky, looking at us with two eyes even though he's face down, and wondering what in tarnation a shaving forum is, anyway.
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