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38HD Comparable Razor

I really like the shave I get from my Merkur 38HD and was wondering if there is a vintage open comb that would replicate the closeness of the shave I get from my 38HD? I have a Vintage Rotbart open comb I picked up off the BST that I like but even with one shim in it I can not get as close as I can with my 38HD. I'll be trying another shim soon, but are there any other options?
Wow, that is a bit odd. i would have imagined the Rotbart OC being more aggressive than the 38HD. If you want a comparable razor, the Weber would be comparable in shave and it is a stainless steel razor. You could also try an adjustable for variety in aggressiveness like the Slim, Fatboy, Futur, or Progress. Good luck.
I'm looking for an open comb that will give a comparable shave. I have a slim boy adjustable but I like the compact heads of fixed bladed razors. My Tech is a close shaver and my second go to razor, but it takes three passes to provide the same closeness of the 38hd with two passes. The Rotbart takes four passes and is still not quite as close as the Tech. OBTW I'm using the same brand blade in all the razors. I have compared Feathers, Gillette Black and Yellows.
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Have you tried the NEW, Steven? It's just a notch more aggressive than the HD. My rotation for quite some time has consisted solely of the HD for daily shaves, and the NEW if I've skipped a day (though I have no issues if I use the NEW daily, FWIW). For my money, the NEW is the best shaving razor Gillette ever produced -- everything after was just marketing :smile:
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