I began a thread in December about shaving with a single Mach 3 cartridge for 30 days. My last progress report was on day 23 of the trial. Unfortunately, I had a stroke the morning of December 25th and was unable to complete the 30 days.
This month I decided to try again. I started with a fresh Mach 3 cartridge on the first. I have used the same one every day since then. Today marks the end of a month on the same cartridge.
My shaves since day 23 this month have all been exceptionally close with no irritation. On the 29th, after having read a thread about arm stropping a blade, I tried stropping on my jeans. The subsequent shave was much more harsh and seemed to drag a lot when I shaved.
The next two shaves were better, but there was some pulling that I had not experienced before. The shaves were very close, however. I did have to do a little more touchup as some areas needed more attention to get all the hair removed. It is now about 3 hours since I shaved and I have no irritation and a DFS shave - BBS in some areas.
Bottom line - I will probably go back to my usual routine of changing carts twice a month. At $2.00 US each (when bought in quantity at COSTCO), I feel that the cost is not too high.
Here is my original post and the link to the thread, in case anyone wants to see it.
This month I decided to try again. I started with a fresh Mach 3 cartridge on the first. I have used the same one every day since then. Today marks the end of a month on the same cartridge.
My shaves since day 23 this month have all been exceptionally close with no irritation. On the 29th, after having read a thread about arm stropping a blade, I tried stropping on my jeans. The subsequent shave was much more harsh and seemed to drag a lot when I shaved.
The next two shaves were better, but there was some pulling that I had not experienced before. The shaves were very close, however. I did have to do a little more touchup as some areas needed more attention to get all the hair removed. It is now about 3 hours since I shaved and I have no irritation and a DFS shave - BBS in some areas.
Bottom line - I will probably go back to my usual routine of changing carts twice a month. At $2.00 US each (when bought in quantity at COSTCO), I feel that the cost is not too high.
Here is my original post and the link to the thread, in case anyone wants to see it.
While I realize I may go down in flames from the cartridge-haters because of this thread, here goes.
Background: I started shaving as a kid with a DE about 50 years ago. Over the years I have used about every type of razor Gillette has made since then. I have used a badger brush and soap for more than 40 years (don't really recall exactly when I started), so I have considerable experience in this regard.
I have been using a Mach 3 since it came out. I have to say that I do like it. I consistently get very good results with this razor.
I have posted elsewhere, in response to a thread concerning how many shaves people get from a blade, saying that I use a cartridge for 15 days. This is two pass shave, plus a little touch up, every day. I change cartridges on the 1st and 15th of the month. In the distant past, I used them for up to a month. So, on the 16th, I began my journey toward 30 days on the same cartridge.
It may sound strange, but that shave was the best one I have gotten in a long time. It was truly BBS and no irritation at all. It was so smooth that I could barely feel any stubble by that night and almost didn't need a shave by morning. I was surprised.
Shaves on the 17th and this morning (the 18th) were also close and comfortable, but my GF did say she saw a red mark on my chin, although I could not feel anything.
If I am not run off B&B for this, I will post periodical updates on my quest to go for a month on the same blade.
EDIT: I neglected to mention that I am using Williams soap for this little experiment, but I'm getting low, so it may not last to the end. Also, if the going gets too rough, I will resort to better soap, maybe Trumper's Rose to get me through.