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3 Gillette Techs - Veterans PIF!


I have 3 Gillette Techs which I would like to PIF to 3 of the many Veterans among us!

To be Eligible:

1. Have previously served your country (North America only please)
2. Never used a Gillette Tech
3. Share with us the story of a unique shave you experienced while serving!

I will draw 3 winners at random in a week!

Cheers to the Veterans!
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This is a great PIF. The Tech is my favorite razor. Some of you vets need to jump on this great offer. This is very generous of you Ace.
Not in. I'm doing better now than when I was active duty, and I have a travel Tech anyway.
I'll start off the stories:
I remember my first desert deployment (Op Desert Storm) shaving with a bar of ivory soap and a scalding hot bottle of water using an old disposable while looking in the door mirror of our vehicle. Not my best shave...
Good luck to the PIF participants.


On the lookout for a purse
NOT in.......I am not a veteran and I have 3 Techs already that I love!!!

Just want to say THANK YOU to all the veterans for their service and sacrifice.....and to their families who also bear a tremendous burden....


Nice PIF!!
Not in. I'm doing better now than when I was active duty, and I have a travel Tech anyway.
I'll start off the stories:
I remember my first desert deployment (Op Desert Storm) shaving with a bar of ivory soap and a scalding hot bottle of water using an old disposable while looking in the door mirror of our vehicle. Not my best shave...
Good luck to the PIF participants.

Nice story- thanks for sharing.
I am not in, as I just received a Tech from a PIF. I haven't used it yet, but, look forward to it. But,I have a very interesting shave story from boot camp that I can share. First off, my beard is course and black. So, I was shaving three times a day in boot camp and still getting in trouble. At one point, I guess my company commander decided that I just wasn't shaving and wanted to teach me a "lesson". So, he made me shave in the middle of the parade field for all to see. I was armed with a Mach 3, my sports bottle full of water and a palm full of shave gel. No mirror or guidance were provided. I wound up with a ridiculously bloody neck and razor burn for a week. Plus my sports bottle's water tasted like shaving gel for about 10 days. I hope you can find some deserving gentleman for this generous PIF.
Great story, Hous3y!

Thread has been edited, as I may have been too specific. This PIF is open to all Veterans who have never tried a Tech.

I shaved with the Tech I received today. It was nice, unfortunately it was a gold tech that has list the plating on the head. So it immediately tarnished after I cleaned it. It is going to be hard to keep it clean an shave ready. Any suggestions?
I shaved with the Tech I received today. It was nice, unfortunately it was a gold tech that has list the plating on the head. So it immediately tarnished after I cleaned it. It is going to be hard to keep it clean an shave ready. Any suggestions?

You can spray it with clear lacquer or if you really like it you could have it replated.
Okay I'm in.. Thank you for the offer.

I hardly think it is unique among squids but I often look back to sea duty trying to shave while on water hours. (Something was broke in engineering and we were on emergency water supply). There would still be a pathetic little dribble of cold water out of the faucet. Trying to shave using about a half a cup of cold water was great.

Also, shaving in heavy Seas was an adventure. Feet as wide apart for a stable base and maybe an arm outstretched to brace the bulkhead.

It wasn't an every day thing but there were a few times where I thought "really? Maybe I'll just skip the shave today and see if anyone says anything"
I'm giving this a bump, to see if there is anyone who missed it. It looks like most of our Veterans are Tech owners!
I'm giving this a bump, to see if there is anyone who missed it. It looks like most of our Veterans are Tech owners!

Well, if you have to shave every day, you want something smooth. In my opinion theres nothing smoother and less irritating than a Tech.
My Dad is a 92 year old WWII Marine who fought in the Pacific theatre and has some incredible stories. But alas he is not a member of B&B. I bought him a 1921 birth year Old Type but it is a little too harsh for his old shaky hands so he doesn't use it.
Not in (got three Techs), just wanted to encourage people to get in on this one. The Tech is a great razor, and you'll dig it.
NOT in, as I have a Tech of my own, but...

On my last deployment, temperatures in summer routinely exceeded 110-120 degrees by day. We kept bottled water (came in cases on pallets) staged in two or three spots. We kept ours' in the shade, which wasn't much cooler, but the fire control guys kept theirs' near ther van, so it was on the pavement and super hot. I was using a disposable at the time, but still appreciated a 'hot water shave,' as the bottled water was almost always hotter than the tap water for some reason, and there was no line of people waiting for a sink.

I am going to a similar area soon, and intend to use a similar setup for wet shaving.
Such a great PIF and a great razor. I love my Tech! Obviously not in but many thanks to the OP and all the Veterans out there and those currently serving.
I'd like to say a quick thanks to those that have and do serve and to their loved ones at home.

Thank you for your sacrifices.
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