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Is Kapernick really any better than Tebow? He had his day in the sun, and now he is languishing in mediocrity. He was backup to Blaine Gabbert fer crying out loud!
Is Kapernick really any better than Tebow? He had his day in the sun, and now he is languishing in mediocrity. He was backup to Blaine Gabbert fer crying out loud!
Tebow was quite the sensation for a brief moment. But the truth is all too often he bailed on wide open easy pass reads and ran the ball, risking injury for no good reason. Many casual fans thought this was heroic and exciting. But Elway knew that it was just poor quarterback play. He kept this behavior up right through the end of his NFL career. See "Tim Tebow misses wide-open WR for score, comes up short on run."

Kaepernick was benched, then immediately put on injured reserve leading to surgery to repair a torn labrum in his shoulder, much like Manning's benching foot injury last year.

So yes, Kaepernick is better than Tebow. Is he the best option or even a realistic possibility at this point? Not sure, have to see how everything plays out.
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Get ready Denver for the celebration!

All you can hope for is to be competitive.

There's some luck involved.

Last year Denver caught a number of breaks and was somewhat lucky with injuries - both lack of disabling Bronco injuries and key injuries to competing teams. The Broncos had their share of injures last year but nothing they couldn't overcome. That same dynamic has gone against the Broncos in other years. Of course you have to be prepared to take advantage of luck. Fortune favors the prepared.
I'm talking about the Bronco's signing Von's roommate, Johnny "The Man" Manziel, Mr. Football. Perfect compliment to Mark "The Dirty" Sanchez. Saturday nights would be fun with Wolfe and Manziel out on the town.

Don't know why they aren't looking at the QB's that Kubiak has coached up over his career at Houston. Bring them all in Schuab, Yates, Keenum.
I'm talking about the Bronco's signing Von's roommate, Johnny "The Man" Manziel, Mr. Football.
Then it seems like you know something the rest of the world doesn't. Seems extremely unlikely, at least anytime soon. It's possible that he might get a shot at some point, but seems like a long shot.
Don't know why they aren't looking at the QB's that Kubiak has coached up over his career at Houston. Bring them all in Schuab, Yates, Keenum.
I'm sure they're looking at everyone available. I haven't heard any of those names mentioned seriously. As quarterback play had a lot to do with Kubiak's firing from Houston, don't know why he'd want any of them back. I have heard the names Colin Kaepernick (still think it may happen), Josh McCown (maybe), Tyrod Taylor (seems unlikely), Ryan Fitzpatrick (doubt it but who knows?), and Brian Hoyer (I'm pretty skeptical about him at this point).
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Heard today that the Broncos might be looking at Glenn Gronkowski as a draft pick at fullback. That would be the third Gronk that the Broncos have had on their roster over the years. The others were Dan & Chris Gronkowski.
Heard today that the Broncos might be looking at Glenn Gronkowski as a draft pick at fullback. That would be the third Gronk that the Broncos have had on their roster over the years. The others were Dan & Chris Gronkowski.

But WE have the only Gronkowski that counts!

I'm talking about the Bronco's signing Von's roommate, Johnny "The Man" Manziel, Mr. Football.
According to a high looking Manziel on TMZ, he's living with Von.

According to ESPN, although Von completely supports Manziel, they're not roomies. ESPN reported that Manziel is actually living with Cleveland Browns wide receiver Josh Gordon in an apartment off of Sunset Boulevard. Gordon, who was suspended for the entire 2015 season after violating the NFL's substance abuse policy and applied for reinstatement to the league earlier this year, reportedly failed a drug test last month.

Manziel isn't the most trustworthy source right now after lying to his former team multiple times and showing up to practice drunk.
NFL seems to have it's fair share of unsavory characters and every team has a few.

Manziel certainly is a person of questionable character. Surprising that Von Miller supports Manziel. They went to the same school but weren't team mates. Nothing good can come from chilling with Manziel and many times people are judged by the company they keep. He has a lot to lose if he is looking to be the highest paid defensive player in the game as reported. Agents should advise their clients. Bronco's should tell him point blank, if he wants a massive contract he needs to distance himself from Manziel.

Von Miller has been a stranger to the truth and not a very trustworthy source. As you know, he lied on multiple occasions about his failed NFL PED urine test. So it goes. Didn't hurt him other than the suspension.
Von was caught fudging tests to hide his marijuana use. Now that's pretty common from all reports but once you get caught in the off season testing, it gets much more difficult to keep using without getting caught. Von was right on the edge of losing everything. He barely got it together in time. His NFL career was one misstep away from being over. So he probably identifies with Manziel. And Von, Johnny and Kubiak are all A&M alumni, Kube having played QB there as well and has been involved in their program since. So there's that. I hope Manziel can pull out of the nose dive but the signs aren't good as of now. He seemed confused about who he was living with. Obviously Von is out there in the L.A. area doing dancing with the stars and they've likely been hanging out. But Johnny said they were trying to turn their lives around, something Von doesn't seem to need at the moment although Josh Gordon who is reportedly Johnny's actual roommate certainly does. I saw the video of Manziel and despite his repeated claims of sobriety, he didn't look sober to me. Anyway.
It seems Von Miller tested positive for amphetamine and steroid use in 2011. You want to throw in marijuana, OK.


You seem to build excuses for Von Miller. If he didn't want to pay the consequences he shouldn't have done the crime. Simple. To compound the problem he conspired with the collector, diluted his urine and lied.

Rodney Harrison got bagged for HGH use during the off season to recover from a groin injury. He admitted it, apologized and accepted the suspension.

There is a time these guy need to grow up. They can help friends and classmates and point them in the right direction. They don't need to chill with them.
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I believe you're right that Miller tested positive for adderall as well as marijuana back in 2011, but not steroids. I "threw in" marijuana because that is what he was caught using, admittedly in addition to adderall. But not steroids. The NFLPA issued a statement to that effect. George Atallah (assistant executive director of external affairs for the NFLPA) at 11:58 AM - 22 Jul 2013 stated "I can confirm that Von’s (2011) case does not involve the Steroids and Related Substances Policy." Lots of stuff gets reported that isn't true. I said that he faked the tests and got caught. What excuses did I make for Von?
Rodney Harrison had little choice but to admit his HGH use and "accept" the suspension since federal agents testified that Harrison received a shipment of HGH, with his name on it, just days before Super Bowl XXXVIII (which the Patriots won) in February 2004. That's not exactly off season as you stated. Who's making excuses?

Report: Patriot's first HGH shipment arrived before Super Bowl
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Just got the impression that you felt that Von Miller was on the edge of loosing everything so his actions were understandable or somehow acceptable. I retract the statement if that is not the case. I hope Von Miller has put his issue behind him. He is a talent. When you are on the list, your only as good as your next test. The NFL however does a pretty poor job at testing.

Bobby Orr and Derek Sanderson were teammates. Sanderson became an alcoholic for a large portion of his adult life and eventually became homeless sleeping on a park bench in NYC. Orr always supported Sanderson and got him help. Sanderson credits Orr is saving his life. Orr wasn't chilling with his homeboy, however.

Personally, I don't know why the NFL is so interested in testing for Mary Jane or HGH. Mary Jane is legal in some states and HGH helps player recover from injury and keeps them on the field. There are lines of players getting cortisone, muscle relaxers etc. for game day.
I was pointing out how bad Von screwed up, nearly losing it all. I'll have to look up the HGH testing policies but did recently discover that the NFL only tests for marijuana in the off season unless you do something to get extra special tests, like Von did.
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