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2012 Winter Spotlight Fragrances. The next step.

We have our winners.
  • L'Occtaine "Eaux de Beaux" -- November 2012
  • Kilian "Back to Black" -- December 2012
  • Profumum "Arso" -- January 2013
  • Penhaligon's "Sartorial" -- February 2013

So where do we go next?

Each fragrance will be in the spotlight for one month.
If you want to participate, find a way to sample the fragrance.
Purchase a sample, spray a tester...whatever you like.

Wear the fragrance as little or as much as you like in that month.

A discussion thread will appear at the beginning of the month.
Feel free to jump in and join the conversation.

Our B&B supporting vendors Garry's Sample Shop and Archerfire Decants are helping us out.

Garry is offering our November and December decants. See his vendor thread here

As always if you have any questions, please pass them along.


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
I have a bottle of E-de-B, so I'll have to remember to pop by shortly.
Just a reminder that this is live.
The samples are available.
Please have a look at Garry's vendor thread for details.


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
I'm looking forward to this thread. I tried Eau des Baux for the first time today and my first impressions are very favorable.
Eau des Baux has been one of my favorites since I first tried it a few years ago. It starts with cypress and incense, and this is my favorite phase. After four or five hours, it enters a dry down period which lasts for quite a long time on me. Here, it has morphed into a primarily vanilla scent, and it my favorite of any vanilla I've tried. The first time I wore it, I woke half way through the night and was surprised at how good my wife smelled. It took a while before I realized that what I smelled was the Eau des Baux I had applied early the prior evening. While I have some niche fragrances that are more complex and challenging, when all I care about is smelling good, this is the one I reach for. For me, it is a Fall and Winter scent. I picked mine up on sale for around $40, and it a great fragrance at the price. Highly recommended.

I just got samples from Garry today. I forgot the order of proceedings here, and spritzed myself with the December scent. (I hope I like the Eau des Baux more is all I'm sayin' for now... probably tomorrow I'll wear it for work, see how it goes). I'm a TOTAL n00b with fragrances, just trying to run with the big dogs. Or get my enabling on.
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