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2012 Top 3 Best shaving purchases

I know it is hard to limit it to 3 :biggrin1:

But what were your 3 favorite shaving purchases of this year and did you have one or two regrets?

My favorites...
1. Merkur Futur (wish I would have gotten one sooner)
2. GFT'S Coconut oil shaving cream
3. Semogue 1460 shaving brush

1. TOBS Shaving shop, although I like the other 5 I bought :thumbup:
2. TOBS Jermyn St. 100 ml aftershave - really like the shaving cream though
Merkur Futur
Semogue 830
VB 2 Band

EJ Best
Futur in Chrome :(

Good question! I'm new to wetshaving this year and have tried to keep purchases minimal...

Gem Damaskeene - started with a Gillette Tech but now exclusively SE
Mike's Soap Samples
Omega 49 boar brush - my first brush and it's working well so far

TOBS Jermyn Street puck - I'm sure it's fine for others but I had a bad reaction to it
Scuttle from Etsy - don't use it enough to justify the purchase


Needs milk and a bidet!
ooooo very hard!!

Gem 1912 SE
Proraso pre shave

Williams mug soap...hardly a regret for .79 cents but i wouldn't buy anymore
a Goodwill find i thought would make a good razor holder, i ended up breaking it trying to make it work. $1.50

my regrets are cheap! i love mostly all my stuff so far!
My top 3 were:

1.Aristocrat Jr - my new fav!
2. Razorock cumba cheech soap - I really enjoy the scent, still working on the lather
3. Speick AS - saved my face from Nivea AS balm! (which didnt agree with me)

I don't have much as far as regrets, nothing else was very notable
Top 3

1. My EJ DE89 in smooth chrome
2. Proraso shave cream (looks like it will be a regular purchase)
3. sample pack of 9 Thayers witch hazel products


A cheap as 2 inch strop. (cheap, as in quality.....not so much in price!)
My top 3 purchases:
1) My shiny Tech
2) Arko
3) 7 O'clock blacks

My most regrettable purchase was the second pack of Walmart Wilkies before I bit the bullet looking for another blade.

I know it's not much, but I've only been at this a few months, and I don't have a lot of scratch to throw at this.

Easily my Weber Bulldog ARC- I have nothing bad to say about it. A great shaving razor at a fantastic price for a stainless razor.
Domenico Caraceni 1913- I have a serious fragrance AD, and this one made my top three.


While decent soaps, my Razorock soft soaps have all turned softer than most of my shaving creams. I gave them to my sons.
1) Rooney (original) Heritage #2 three-band Beehive brush
2) A pair of 60000 Kanayama strops
3) Haslinger Ewe's Milk shave soap

Honorable mention - two kilo bricks of P. 160 a very nice member gave me. I am still waiting (patiently) for his repayment request.
1) 1952 Gillette Black Tip Super Speed (X1 date code). This started my vintage razor AD and is my Dad's birthyear/quarter razor.
2) Georgetown G20 Scuttle. Probably my most consistantly used piece of hardware.
3) Tabac soap

There are many honorable mentions..... since this was my first year into the world of using the Badger and Blade.

Regrets: None that I can think of..... maybe Floid Black, but it's too early to tell.

Merkur slant 37C
Rapira stainless blades
TOBS Jermyn St cream

Got too many blades, now about 1100
First DE razor in May2012, should have been gone back to the DE a long time ago
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