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20-somethings that wear Tabac....



Well, I'm not a 20 something but I'm only 18. Tabac is one of my go to scents and many people around me enjoy it. Some may say I smell a little "old man" same thing happens when I wear No. 89. But that doesn't bother me at all.
I'm 23 and I only wear the Tabac ASL. Never had any negative comments.

I've found women of our age group respond rather favorably to "older" scents. I usually get compliments on stuff that most consider "old man scents" as compared to some of my "newer" ones.

Wear what you like and as long as you're confident in it it won't be a problem
Well I'm twentysomething...and something, and something, and something, and then again something, plus a little more. :wink:

One thing I can say from my aged vantage point is that everything old will become new again if enough time passes. I was out and about where a bunch of younger people hang, and they looked like something straight out of the 80's. It was kind of unnerving.:biggrin:

I'm pretty sure that scents are no different, and we are probably near the point of generational skip when it comes to them.

When I was a lad in the 80's, Old Spice and such were "old man" scents to be avoided, and now the kids of my peers probably put Obsession and Gray Flannel in the same category. Unless a grandparent was an Old Spice or English Leather user, I bet most of your peers have zero associations with those scents, or kind of scents.

Also, assuming you are in the USA, Tabac has never been very common here anyway.

Just go with what you like, and if somebody gives you grief you can give them a condescending look and talk about appreciation of timeless classics. :001_tongu


I am 27 and wear the EDC a lot. My wife thinks it smells like baby powder (an insult to me) but a woman at work recently gave me very positive compliments. So I think it is kind of a wash. Use it if you like it. I love the scent.
I'm 27 and women respond in the positive to anything I wear. :smile:

Seriously, though. They like the EdT. The EDC is a bit more... iffy.
I got mixed reviews with Tabac--I'm 26. On the other hand, Floris 89, which was mentioned above, has been a hit. I think it's a combination of the person sniffing and your personality. Where I failed at pulling it off, you might very well succeed. :smile:

I was born in the court of King Louis IVX. Yet for many decades, I have chosen to stake out the glorious age of 27, and where I plan to remain until my turn in the chair at that delightful barbershop in the sky.

Yesterday, during a routine blood test, the young vampire dining on my blood paused long enough to put on what I thought was a smile and tell me I smelled good.

"Thank you," I said. "It's an aftershave called Tabac — German."
She nodded. "Smells good. Gotta get some for my boyfriend."

You you see, gentlemen, age matters little. As someone here suggested, wear what you like.

Tabac is a delight, and a good choice for young and old. At least, it's a favorite with vampires.

I got mixed reviews with Tabac--I'm 26. On the other hand, Floris 89, which was mentioned above, has been a hit. I think it's a combination of the person sniffing and your personality. Where I failed at pulling it off, you might very well succeed. :smile:

For some reason, I had you pegged for 80-something. Probably the photo of Robertson Davies. :smile:
Just wait til you are pushing 40 like me. You'll start wearing what you like and stop caring what other's think. :biggrin:
I'm 23 and I only wear the Tabac ASL. Never had any negative comments.

I've found women of our age group respond rather favorably to "older" scents. I usually get compliments on stuff that most consider "old man scents" as compared to some of my "newer" ones.

Wear what you like and as long as you're confident in it it won't be a problem

Huzzah! If you like it, that is all that matters. I am not suggesting you bath in English Leather. Should your choice be well done and tastefully applied, all that is required is for you to like it.
The only time I really get any comments is when I wear Jovan Musk.:bored:
And the funniest thing is, I rarely wear it.

Most of the time, I am wearing either a Pinaud product(clubman most often) or Masters Bay Rum.
For some reason, I had you pegged for 80-something. Probably the photo of Robertson Davies. :smile:

Haha, good id on Davies. I borrow his suave portrait to lend weight to the things I say on here. If people saw a picture of the lazy grad student I am they'd probably stop listening to me :tongue_sm
I only have 3 weeks and a day left of being a 20-somethinger, but I will add to the "do as you wish" crowd as well. If you are speaking of the women in the age group and not the girls you should be well received for being your own man and not another one of "those guys"
So do women of our age group react positively to it?
Never got compliments while I was wearing it at that age---but then again I was a shy nerdy guy and not really into asking girls/women of my age after the way I smelt. Even now, many years later and long since happily settled down, I still don't receive compliments about my choice of fragrance, not even from close relatives. Then again, making simple compliments is a rare occurrence where I live, it's not in my culture to do so.

That said, you shouldn't be self-conscious about what you wear, and that includes wondering whether women will react positively to it.
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