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2 New Aristocrats Arrived Today

I bought them from ERVARGASNY in the BST. I wasn't really sure what to expect, since this was my first purchase of something more "collectable". I'm still not sure how collectable they are, especially since neither has a case. However, they arrived very quickly from New York and wrapped very well. Neither of these razors was going to move around during shipping or get crushed, so good job on the shipping ER.

The ones I selected were listed as a 48' Notch and a 40's No Notch. It was hard to tell exact condition from the pictures taken, but given what I paid for them I was expecting mid to low end user grade razors. Well, I received one in exactly that condition (the 40's no notch dual smooth band) and one that looks to be in such good condition that my first thought was that it looked to have been recently replated (48' notch). I have them both soaking in some warm water and dish soap so I can give them a slight scrub and cleaning. I don't mean my comments on the condition of the 40's no notch in a negative way. This is how it was described and exactly what I received, and exactly as I would expect a 65 year old gold plated razor to look. Plenty of the plating worn off over time, end caps missing but no mechanical issues. It would make an excellent replate candidate.

My first thought is how substantial the razors feel in my hand, very nice heft and weight. While being just shorter than my Fat Boy, it feels just as heavy if not a tad heavier. This must account for why so many say it is a fantastic shaver. I will find out soon enough.

Some things I still need to learn about Aristocrats.

1. What exactly does "dual smooth band" mean. I "THINK" this refers to the metal band just below the head of the razor and the metal band closer to the end of the handle being smooth rather than textured like the rest of the handle. It still has the vertical "ridges", just not the knurling of the rest of the handle.

2. Are the models with or without the notch considered more or less collectable? I understand the purpose of the notch, just not what it means to the value of a razor, if anything.

3. Aristocrat, Senator, President. At first blush they all look like the same razor to me, with different finishes. The President in Rhodium and the Senator/Aristocrat in Gold, with their English counterparts having a diagonal knurling patters as opposed to vertical and more of the English razors seem to be in Rhodium, or maybe that's just my perception.

4. Also, with no date codes on the bottom, I'm not sure how these razors are dated. I can see the 40's model being just that, made in the 40's sometime but not able to narrow it down any better than that. The other one, the 48', not sure how I understand that date. If I have read correctly, the only way to "approximate a date of manufacture" is if the razor is included with it's original blades, which do have a year and quarter stamp. IS there some other way of dating I do not know about?

Like I said earlier, the 48' looks to be in pristine condition. I would not expect a razor of this quality to be outside it's original case to be in anywhere close to this condition. If this is the original finish it can't have been used more than a half dozen times in its entire life. I actually wouldn't be upset if it had been replated, but that's not how it was described. Again, none of this is bad, the condition is just so much better than I was expecting.

Anything else I need to know about these razors? My Dad was born 4th quarter of 1941, so the one razor may very well be his birth year if not quarter...no way to find out for sure. However, I have seen some Aristocrats listed specifically as 1941's (Turtle's in specific) and was just wondering how that worked.

Thanks in advance. I'll get some pics up tomorrow.
You are right about the bands.

'41 no end caps, center bar un-notched, two smooth bands on handle
'46-47 end caps, center bar un-notched, two smooth bands on handle
'48-50 end caps, notched center bar, one smooth band on handle

There are a few Aristocrats that did not have all the changes at once but changed as old style parts ran out and the line was restocked with the new style parts I guess. They are all collectable if in good condition. As always, the more complete the set the better.
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Nice! Hes a pleasure to deal with :)

The senator is basically an open comb super speed. I think you mean Diplomat :)
Diplomat, yes, thank you. So, basically the same razor except for plating and presentation in various cases/boxes/gift sets?


I wanna be sedated!
Yeah i think, the diplomat is all knurled whereas the aristocrats have a smooth band.

The 1948 on up Aristocrat will be knurled on top and smooth on the bottom. The 46-47 Aristocrat will be smooth top and bottom. The Diplomat will be knurled top and bottom. I hope that helps a bit.
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