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2 band shavemac custom

I'am about to order a custom D01 brush from Shavemac.

I have read in other threads that 2 band is available.

Can you tell me if it is interresting to choose this rather than the standard D01 silvertip ?
Do you tend to face lather or do you use a bowl/scuttle then lather on your face?

Do only use shaving cream, soaps or a combo of both?

What loft size and knot size are you considering?

Just basic questions to help answer your original question.
I only use cream with my 177. Now I want to use this new brush with soaps mainly.

I use a bowl then lather on my face a couiple of minutes.

I consider a 23 mm knot with a 52 mm loft (bulb shape).
Oh yes its the bees knees for face lathering, soft, water absorbent, super dense, and resilient.

Thank you hunter for the link, are you trying to work me for my finest :lol:
I am kind of skeptical with Rooney apparently pretty must closing or limiting production on the 2 band and much of the top of the line stuff more resembling 3 band yet some outfits seem to have no issue with sourcing the stuff. I wonder if the new stuff is really the same. Reviews I've seen seem to indicate say a Rooney Finest compared to the customs and others two band is a different hair.
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