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1st Resto attempt - Rigo shaving brush

I've finally decided to have a go at restoring a shaving brush that I acquired from 3bay a little over two weeks ago. It's called a "Rigo," and the only information I've been able to gather about the brush is printed on the handle:

Set in Rubber

That's it. No "Made in *". Nothing. The brush was listed as horse hair, but I think it looks like discolored badger, maybe even silvertip. Anyway, I'm looking forward to setting a knot in this brush, probably within the next week or so. I would like some input on knot recommendations. I'm pretty certain that I will be going for a TGN, but not sure what quality level, and if I want a fan or a bulb... Anyway, here are my before pics. I'll follow with in process pics, and a couple of post-polish pics in a separate post, or two.

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Here are the in process shots. Like an idiot, in my excitement, I forgot to tape the handle. As you can see in the second picture, it left a mark that wasn't so pretty. I worked it out pretty well, for about 20 minutes with Dremel coarse and medium grit finishing abrasive wheels, and the 3rd picture is where I left it before polishing. To anyone else who hasn't already made this painful mistake, TAPE THE TOP OF THE HANDLE AROUND THE KNOT BEFORE DOING ANYTHING!

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And, after about 5 minutes of hand polishing, this is what I have to work with. I will have to post the finished pics after I decide on a knot.

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Looks great - that handle is one of the nicer ones Ive seen

Coming from you, that is certainly a compliment to the mystery makers of this handle. Your new spiraled handles are really sharp looking. Any recommendations for a knot? I measured the hole with a ruler, and it looks like it's about 23mm.
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Coming from you, that is certainly a compliment to the mystery makers of this handle. Your new spiraled handles are really sharp looking. Any recommendations for a knot? I measured the hole with a ruler, and it looks like it's about 22mm.

Aw shucks man - thanks!:001_wub:

This is my personal favorite knot. I don't like a big floppy brush - I like something full yet firm, but not scratchy. And a size that isn't shoving lather everywhere :)


Good luck!
The hole is 18mm deep. Since your recommended knot is 55mm loft, this would leave me a 37mm loft, correct? I know I could set something in there to increase the loft, I just wanted to verify that I'm correctly referring to the loft measurement. Is it from top of handle to top of knot?
The hole is 18mm deep. Since your recommended knot is 55mm loft, this would leave me a 37mm loft, correct? I know I could set something in there to increase the loft, I just wanted to verify that I'm correctly referring to the loft measurement. Is it from top of handle to top of knot?

Yeah that's a little bit deeper hole than I would use for that particular knot. Try maybe a 5mm slice of a wood dowel in there. I think that would be closer to ideal. Don't glue anything until you get your knot and see for yourself though. This definitely is the part where personal preference really comes into play.
Yeah that's a little bit deeper hole than I would use for that particular knot. Try maybe a 5mm slice of a wood dowel in there. I think that would be closer to ideal. Don't glue anything until you get your knot and see for yourself though. This definitely is the part where personal preference really comes into play.

I'm actually thinking that 47mm sounds like a nice loft, but I'm not sure if I want fan or bulb. I kind of want the best of both worlds. I think 47 would be a decent length to allow for face lathering, but perhaps a fan shaped knot to make it a little more bowl friendly? What makes it just a little more difficult to decide is that I think this handle would look best with a bulb shape. Ok- now that I'm done thinking out loud- I am pretty sure I want 47mm. Do I go with your 55mm loft knot, and fill the space as desired with a dowel, or do I go 65mm loft, and just set it at the original depth? WWABTD? (What Would AceByTerror Do) Bulb or fan? Aaaah! So many choices! :)
U.S. 5c coins are just over 21 mm in diameter and just under 2mm thick. When the thickness of the epoxy is taken into account 2 nickels would be close to what you are suggesting and probably easier and less expensive than trying to find and cut a dowel.
WWABTD? (What Would AceByTerror Do) Bulb or fan? Aaaah! So many choices! :)

Ahhaahaha! Now that's funny!

As strange as it may sound I more or less go where the wood takes me. Aside from brushes I've made specifically for people - to a shape and size they have requested - other than those I have never planned out a brush in advance. I have a general idea in my head as I go, but I otherwise freestyle it and go with the flow. I'll usually look at what knots I have on hand and drill the hole to fit whichever knot strikes my fancy at the time.

I was thinking I may record a start-to-finish video in the next week or so. From wood block to finished brush. Figure some folks here might get some value out of it.
Ahhaahaha! Now that's funny!

As strange as it may sound I more or less go where the wood takes me. Aside from brushes I've made specifically for people - to a shape and size they have requested - other than those I have never planned out a brush in advance. I have a general idea in my head as I go, but I otherwise freestyle it and go with the flow. I'll usually look at what knots I have on hand and drill the hole to fit whichever knot strikes my fancy at the time.

I was thinking I may record a start-to-finish video in the next week or so. From wood block to finished brush. Figure some folks here might get some value out of it.

I'm coming back around to your suggestion of 22mm Best since there is no 55mm offering of any other grade, and I think the dowel idea sounds best for the knot itself since less of the unglued portion would rest below the handle's collar. I'll probably end up doing like some other members have done, and use a wine cork. So, thanks for the input.

With regards to the video- I think people would get value out of seeing what you do. I think a short video could help your sales by providing buyers insight into how you do what you do. I, for one, would like to see the magical spiral tool that you use with your lathe. :) Thanks again! Cheers!
U.S. 5c coins are just over 21 mm in diameter and just under 2mm thick. When the thickness of the epoxy is taken into account 2 nickels would be close to what you are suggesting and probably easier and less expensive than trying to find and cut a dowel.

Thank you, tomcj2. I think I will try that. The handle is wood filled on the bottom half, but I think it could use the added weight. There's also a hole in the center of that wood. Perhaps I'll stuff a skinny piece of lead down the hole, and seal it in before adding the spacer(s)- whether it be nickels, cork, or wood dowel.
I second the recommendation of the 22mm Best Short Loft. Really a great knot. My magic number for them is around 46-47mm, I think. Here is one I finished recently set right around there. For some reason I love the look of the Best hair in a lot of handles. I just hope they have some around when I place my next order. One more thing: I'm not sure if that 55mm published height number is correct. I seem to remember mine (I think I have 3) being at or closer to 60mm. Just another reason to get the knot in hand before getting your heart set on anything.

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I second the recommendation of the 22mm Best Short Loft. Really a great knot. My magic number for them is around 46-47mm, I think. Here is one I finished recently set right around there. For some reason I love the look of the Best hair in a lot of handles. I just hope they have some around when I place my next order. One more thing: I'm not sure if that 55mm published height number is correct. I seem to remember mine (I think I have 3) being at or closer to 60mm. Just another reason to get the knot in hand before getting your heart set on anything.

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Thanks for the input on the knot and for sharing the picture. Your brush looks great. Nice to see a little positive reinforcement for my choice. I ordered the 22mm short best badger earlier today. I can't wait to finish the brush and take it for a spin. Also thanks for mentioning the bit about it being closer to 60mm. I'll wait till I have it in hand before setting anything to raise it.
Well, I received the knot yesterday, and promptly set my knot over a nickel. The knot is a TGN 22mm Best Badger short knot (55mm), set to a 47mm loft. After waiting (as patiently as possible) an entire 24 hours for the epoxy to set, I decided to lather my "new" brush up and see how it performed, and the TGN 22mm short did not disappoint. I managed to get three passes, and still had leftover lather. Needless to say, I'm very pleased with the finished product. Without further ado, I present the newly restored Rigo Best Badger!

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