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1985 birthyear razor

so i was born in the first quarter of 1985 and i was wondering what sorts of de razors were still made in that time frame. i mean, i know there are still some made today, but they don't seem to hold the same sort of prestige as finding a birthyear fatboy or something like that. i was looking for something that seems more collectible, i.e. something with a little more class -->adjustable, tto, etc. i would like one that still has some sort of date code that would verify the date of manufacture.

i wanted to post here to find info before posting in wtb. thanks!
One possibility might be a late production model of the Gillette Tech. Like this:


According to Mr. Razor, this Black Bodied Superspeed was made in 1985, with a date code of "F2":


Also this Super Adjustable:

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Maybe one of those Super Adjustable razors with the plastic bottom plate, but that is about it.
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wow! that was fast! thanks guys. you might see me posting in the wtb soon. i've spent the allotment for november that swmbo allowed me, and she's already given me nasty looks when i mention buying some stuff in december--something about christmas presents...:tongue_sm

so it might have to wait till january, but that super adjustable does look nice... :w00t:
So I'm guessing the 1984 4th quarter would be similar to those? Poked around on mr-razor website and didn't find any specifics.

I just started wet shaving but would certainly jump on an opportunity to own a birth year razor
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