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1979 Birth Razor

Z-1 1979 Flaretip.

I'm looking for some Z-2 razors myself ; )

Nice "Flare Tip" Dieselfuel79. Looks like it's in really great condition. Congratulations on finding a nice piece like that.
I agree the black handle adjustable was the last of the classic gillette razors in my book the best of 1979 for me.
Part of me wants to say get them all, and create a sort of time capsule of 1979 shaving...

The practical me wants to ask about your current set up, your beard characteristics, etc., with the assumption that you would be using the razor frequently, if not exclusively, and would want the best shave possible out of your 1979 rig.
I would recommend just going with the SA. I think mine is actually a 79. I am not parting with it until I pick up a 74 someday though.
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