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1941 Gillette Ranger Blade exposure irregularity

My Gillette 1941 Ranger exposes more blade on one side than on the other. Is this part of the design or is my razor damaged? I will post pictures when I get home this afternoon.
What do you mean, a bigger blade gap on one side than the other or is more blade literally sticking out from one door?
More blade gap $uploadfromtaptalk1381157843540.jpg

I wonder if one side is supposed to be more aggressive than the other?
More blade gap

I wonder if one side is supposed to be more aggressive than the other?

Well, it's not supposed to be. If you're seeing a larger gap on one side than the other (which I can't tell from that angle) then the guard bar on one side or the other has likely taken an impact -- either pushing the one side down or the other side up. From your above-view shot there, though, it does look a little like the blade may be leaning more towards the left side there very slightly. Is that what you're referring to?
Well, it's not supposed to be. If you're seeing a larger gap on one side than the other (which I can't tell from that angle) then the guard bar on one side or the other has likely taken an impact -- either pushing the one side down or the other side up. From your above-view shot there, though, it does look a little like the blade may be leaning more towards the left side there very slightly. Is that what you're referring to?

Ah, OK. When we're talking about "blade gap" that's the space under the blade, between it and the guard. That's why I was slightly confused to be looking at the razor from the top down.

In any case, it does look like maybe your center bar is a little out of square with your guard plate there, causing the blade to lean more to that one side, and no, it's not supposed to be like that. What you'll want to try to sort out is whether the problem lies in the center bar and door assembly or in the guard plate itself. Either one could be bent slightly in relation to the rest of the razor causing the alignment problem. Once you figure out which part to work on you can usually bring it back into alignment with a little gentle pressure, bracing the razor against the edge of a counter or work bench or the like.
Okay I will examine the razor as well as I can when I get home. Sorry I am still new to all of this and am sometimes confused as to what some the terms mean. I will unlock and unload the razor when i get home and try to take some good pictures for some help in seeing where the bending occurs and to see how to proceed from there. I really like this razor. It does a better job on my neck than even my Merkur 1904 classic OC.
No worries at all. There's a lot of jargon to get used to. :laugh:

When you're looking at it, it will help to brace it against a good flat surface with a reliably square corner. If the handle is out of square with the guard plate, for example, then it's likely the guard plate that's bent. It doesn't look like you've got a big problem there, whatever it is. So hopefully it should be fairly easy to get sorted.
I fixed the Razor and now the blade is exactly centered. I sorta wish I didn't fix it though. It no longer shaves the way I like. Prior to fixing it, I was using the one side that had more razor edge protrusion. So I guess the Ranger is too mild for me.
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