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17 days and counting!

I've been using my flare tip super speed with the same Personna platinum chrome blade for 17 days and it is showing no signs of letting up. I have always said that I use my blades for up to two weeks, but never really kept track. I just counted today and was surprised by how long I've been using it.

I do a 3 pass shave every day and i dont skip days shaving. I have done nothing special, like stropping, to keep it going. I love this blade!
If you get one more shave out of it, that will drop your blade cost to 1 penny a day, or a grand total of $3.65 per year in blades! :scared:
It's already less than a penny a day. I pay $1.50 for a ten pack.

My beard is average. Not light my any means.
I guess I jinxed myself for posting it, cause the 18th shave was pretty bad. It was fine on my face, but really rough on my neck. Had some redness afterward and the OldSpice really burned. I am curious how much further I could get these blades to perform with stropping. Maybe I'll try to use one for "One Blade February" and see if I can get it to last all month!
I guess I jinxed myself for posting it, cause the 18th shave was pretty bad. It was fine on my face, but really rough on my neck. Had some redness afterward and the OldSpice really burned. I am curious how much further I could get these blades to perform with stropping. Maybe I'll try to use one for "One Blade February" and see if I can get it to last all month!

Congrats on getting 18 shaves with a DE blade! Sorry to hear the last shave went so badly but that blade had to hit the wall eventually :biggrin1:
Which Personna is this? The basic drug/grocery store blades in the slide-out dispenser?
Yes, but there are 4 grades of those. Mine are the platinum chrome variety. There is platinum chrome and stainless, and each comes with or without comfort coating.


Fridays are Fishtastic!
Wow, I guess that is good for you. I never get more than four out of any DE blade. I get 10 out of SE blades before I toss them.
What drug/grocery store do you find these?
I buy mine at the Base Exchange, that is the Air Force Base equivalent of Walmart, on a much smaller scale.

Wow, I guess that is good for you. I never get more than four out of any DE blade. I get 10 out of SE blades before I toss them.
Yeah, I actually get more mileage out of my Personnas in my DEs than I do from my Pellas in my SEs!

Sometimes you get that odd blade that just keeps going and going and going....

Good job!
The thing is, it's not an odd blade. Two weeks is pretty standard for me for these blades. I usually lose track of how long I've used them by the time they get tossed.
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