Is The packaging differant, used to be yellow.
The eBay link says 50 blades for $7.79? 100 blades for $15.58.
Let us know how they work for you. Cheapest I've seen is 100 blades for $30.
Is The packaging differant, used to be yellow.
Are you stating that the packaging is different or questioning whether it is different? So that there is not a run of the sky-is-falling would-be feather blade buyers, to your question, NO it is not different.
There have been two packages in the market for some time. There is the familiar yellow package and the less familiar black packaging. Quite often you find the yellow in 10-blade dispensers and the black in 5-blade dispensers. While some of the alleged connoisseurs of feather blades claim they can recognize a difference in the blades sharpness, the appropriate response is piffle.
Let's apply that response to the "horizontal" and the "vertical" Derby Extra as well.claim they can recognize a difference in the blades sharpness, the appropriate response is piffle.
READ MY POST, I simply asked if the packaging was differant.
i am not as you call it familiar with the black package.
thx to those above who explained the differance.
All it takes is on Bath + Body Works to forget to restock a shelf of Bigelow and we have a 20-page thread going!
Guenron was just trying to head that off.
You need to factor shipping too. 4.50 for the first pack and 3.50 for each additional.
Not just that but it states "25 to 30 days to US". That is WAY out of line....