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$100,000 hen house anyone?


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Read the fine print- it's $5,000 for the hen house, and $95,000 to keep the stench out.


Needs milk and a bidet!
it comes with 3-10 chickens specifically selected for your region too. ummmm for 100k im getting a full order of 10, extra crispy, thank you.
They forgot to include the chicken wire for the top and sides to keep predators out and chickens in, and by the time you add that it will look like a prison for Wall Street bankers.
Does it come with a spa! This thing better make the eggs and chicken taste really good!
That said, the styling doesn't match any of my motif.


Needs milk and a bidet!
Anyone keep chickens?
we never kept them that long. and the duck we had in the pen would try to mate with them. all the hens had a bald spot on the back of their necks. and if it wasn't the duck we had to worry about it was the weasels. and we sure didn't spend 100k on their house, more like some scrap wood we had laying around and some wire fencing.

let me also say that phrase "running around like a chicken with it's head cut off" does indeed have a literal meaning.
I was looking for a more modest scale and practical advice, looking for eggs more than meat birds.


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
Here's a good ad campaign for them ...

I was looking for a more modest scale and practical advice, looking for eggs more than meat birds.

My dad used to keep chickens in the back yard (until the City could no longer avoid reminding him about the bylaws ...)
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Needs milk and a bidet!
we only had about 30. you don't need a rooster, only hens. they produce eggs after they are about 20 weeks old and will continue to produce 1 egg a day, i think this varies by breed, and overall health of the hen. they like to "roost" off the ground, which is where they will lay there egg...in their roost. they can't fly but they can flap their wings and get off the ground. our roosting box was about waist to chest high off the ground. they really dont need a big pen or house, but they crap a lot, and if they have access to your lawn, such as a fenced off area for them, it will get stomped down and pecked and scrapped so only dirt and mud is left really quickly (depending on the size of course)

they will make a mess, they will smell, they will crap in their water dish, and food dish. and predators love them. but if you can stand all that and keep them safe and healthy you'll have some farm fresh eggs everyday!
Here's a good ad campaign for them ...

The guy from the ad looks to be the actor that was in the Samurai X (Ruroni Kenshin) live action movie that came out this year.

As to stay on topic, I guess this is trying to be the new take on fresh & organic for the rich.
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Needs milk and a bidet!
"For every Heritage Hen Mini Farm Purchase, NM will donate $3,000 to The American Livestock Breeds Conservancy"

is that all? NM could use a lesson from B&B about charity donation.
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