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1,000 posts and counting.

Well Ladies and Gentleman alike,

I reached a milestone on this forum. I have been a member of the B&B (and B&B only) since June of 2011. It wasn't until this afternoon that I even realized that I actually passed the one year mark.

I recall finding this place in my Google searches, over and over again when I was looking up information for the Merkur 34C HD. Finally I gave in to see what all the fuss was about and why this website kept coming up.

It was with the help of you, (yes YOU members) that I was able to cross over from the overpriced 5 blade contraptions....and learn how to make a morning chore, a daily event that I really look forward to.

There have been nights that I would shave just because I had the extra time to learn how to improve my technique - or simply test out a new product. And like some of you, I used that time for self reflection as I was wrapped up with thoughts of my Mom recovering from cancer, and of course, the birth of my beautiful baby daughter who will be 1 year in August. My how the time really does fly.

I've gone from the mindless walk to the local Wal-mart to pick up shaving "stuff" - to researching and finding new traditional brushes, soaps, creams...stuff I had never even heard of. I've had the chance to grow as a member by creating PIF's and helping those in need- and receiving some thoughtful PIF's in the process as well. Heck, you've even let me take up your personal time while you would read my evening excerpts about my shaving experiences formatted in a story. You could have been anywhere else, but you chose to stop and read something that I had written on a whim. And I am grateful. It always astounds me to this day that people who have likely never even met each other- are always so willing to support each other when called upon. (This includes the Mods.) Race, gender and religion are never a factor for any of you to step up and help someone else in need. I am so very proud to be associated with each of you.

The world would be a far better place, if only the strangers of the world could converse and lend a hand to each other like they do here on the B&B.
I tip my hat to all the men and women here and I humbly wish to say "Thank you".


Great post. First, congrats on the upcoming birthday of your daughter and your mom's recovery. That's wonderful. I, too, am often impressed by the generosity and commaradary demonstrated on this forum. It is a great place to share and learn. We are all benefactors of others' knowledge and experience. Lastly, congrats on reaching 1K posts. Keep on truckin'!


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
Hey! Glad you hung out with us this past year and added your mojo to the collective that is B&B. Grats on the milestone:smile: !
Great! Congratulations, first of all, for your Mum recovery and for your daughter! And contratulations for your 1000th post!

I too thank you and all the members here for such a civilized and friendly board (except if we talk about Feathers....:001_tt2:)
Dieselfuel79, excellent heartfelt post, and thank YOU. I have really enjoyed reading a lot of your posts since I joined last December. Best wishes for continued success, both here on B&B and in life.


The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
Awesome milestone.....:a50: and I do beleive Congrats are in order
on your 1K posting (Yeah Baby!!!)

Now that you've reached the 1K mark...we all can look forward to read another 1K's of your thoughtful, insightful and stimulating posts. :thumbsup:

"The Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow". Bill Gates
Well I am new here, and want to give you congratulations for your having surpassed the one year, 1K posts. I hope that I too will do the same. I have been lurking for a month or so, and have bought a few items here on B&B. The amount of info to read is enormous and very informative. I know that I am really enjoying the ride, and the shaves that I have been getting since I came back to a razor from an electris shaver. And it is this board that convinced me to do so.

Again Congrats!

Congratulations on your 1K achievement and great post. You have summed up how many of us truly feel about B&B and it's outstanding, helpful members.

I always enjoy reading your posts and look forward to your next 1K. Enjoy your shaves.

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