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00 Frictionite

Wondering if this is worth picking up

Well, they kept many a barber shaving for decades, but I don't think they are as good as modern stones or good vintage cotis or Jnats.

My take is that they will maintain a razor if used properly, but won't do a bevel set in a reasonable amount of time. I should experiment, I have two Panama hones of the later synthetic coarse side.
Less than $10 is my barber hone price range unless there is something very unusual. I have used some of mine for restoring vintage carbon safety blades. I don't put my SRs on them, but might some day.

I will say, unchipped barber hones don't turn up very often in vintage/antique stores. Frictionite seems to have been a well known brand.
They sell for 150-250 on eBay easy... so if you can get it for a lot less, then yes... buy it and flip.

Is it worth paying the going rate to use? No. Get a Thuri instead.

The frictionite 00 are solid barber hones. Fast and give a pretty comfortable shave. In general, I've found them to be some of the worst frictionites... Usually the random Unidentified Frictionite hones I get (grey ones, paler ones... different ones in general but similar enough to know they're AM Hone Co "Frictionites" of a different flavor) are better... sometimes MUCH better. The best are actually really good.

Had one called "American Buddy", that was good step up from 00 and 2 or 3 others without stamps that were a good step up from that one.

Best Frictionite (not 00) I've had I could see an argument for being top tier/Thuri good... Accidentally sold it... meant to list a different one and they looked so similar, listed it.

Got a "Good Luck Hone" by frictionite that's quite solid as well, but not as good as that one was.

00's on the other hand? I've found them to be consistent... but consistently ok. Better than the vast majority of other Barber synths, but not on par with a decent natural.
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The binder in Frictionites is a bit unstable. I believe that has had a lot to do with performance variations from example to example. The instructions were clear, but I doubt all that many people followed them Then storage in attics, basements, etc would be the final nails in the coffin.
The abrasive was consistent and much higher grade than one would imagine, which was a large part of it's success. Out of all of the Am Hone offerings, the Frictionite 00 had the finest abrasive. There were a few full size hones with odd numbers believed to be the same material but it was never really documented. It's hard to be conclusive anyway, due to the binder degrading continuously.

I can imagine that over the lifespan of it's distribution, there were many batches that were superior to the average, and many runs that were sub par. I can't imagine the manufacturing to have been 'state of the art'. If I was forced to shave off a vintage synth Barber hone for the rest of my life, I'd probably pick a Frictionite 00.

Ricks is from Moravia, so likely has a better chance to be in better condition than the older Olean examples.

If it's about edge quality, sharpness, and refinement, there are better options to hone with today.

If it's about coolness, antiquity, and old-skool slickness, the 00 is a contender.


B&B’s Champion Corn Shucker
I’ve seen 00’s warped, cracked, and crazed, but I’ve never seen one where the binder had turned in to a ‘sugar cookie’ like many other B hones do. Even the crazed ones will usually still perform fine. Of the b hones I’ve owned, the 00 is in the top 3. I have a swaty that I like and then the synth cotis are pretty nice.
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The Axe guys pay top dollar for them.
No chance to pay a reasonable price with one of those guys around.

I've seen more than a couple of them crumbling.
Several that were shedding material, like a loose dust.
One old Olean example looked sorta like it was melting. The dark side was very affected, looked like a hot tootsie roll. The fine side was starting to get sick too.
Kinda like cell rot, but with hones.
With care, one that is working fine would probably outlive my need for it but I'm not interested in gambling on them anymore.
I still like them, just won't tie up $$ in one.

Synth Barber hones...

No "Mystery" ones allowed? (My top 3-5 would all be mystery ones).

I think this would be the order... check my hone ranking thread to confirm:

Synth Coti

Frictionite 00 would probably be towards the bottom of my top 10. It's fine. It's not a Norton Razor Hone (BAD shave). But it's not a Panama either.

As David notes... they can be AWFUL looking... some are fine... Some look like they're about to crumble... Cell rot for hones describes the effect they get well.

They all work about the same for me once lapped.

If they didn't resell for much, I'd maybe pay $30 for a 00, and $50 or so for any other random Frictionite. Like I said, the "Mystery/other" Frictionites consistently perform better for me. I've had maybe 1 or 2 that didn't beat 00's and probably 8-10 that did.

If you're spending above $50, start looking at coticules/thuris/arks/other stuff.
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Synth Barber hones...

No "Mystery" ones allowed? (My top 3-5 would all be mystery ones).

I think this would be the order... check my hone ranking thread to confirm:

Synth Coti

Frictionite 00 would probably be towards the bottom of my top 10. It's fine. It's not a Norton Razor Hone (BAD shave). But it's not a Panama either.

As David notes... they can be AWFUL looking... some are fine... Some look like they're about to crumble... Cell rot for hones describes the effect they get well.

They all work about the same for me once lapped.

If they didn't resell for much, I'd maybe pay $30 for a 00, and $50 or so for any other random Frictionite. Like I said, the "Mystery/other" Frictionites consistently perform better for me. I've had maybe 1 or 2 that didn't beat 00's and probably 8-10 that did.

If you're spending above $50, start looking at coticules/thuris/arks/other stuff.

This was only to flip. Took the profit and bought a coticule.
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