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Gold Dollar 66 (2023)

A well know economical SR
Good Very Economical SR
Pros: Cheap
Good quality steel
Hones easily to shave-ready
Holds edge about average
Cons: Not great finish quality but very functional
Balance well towards blade
Does not come shave-ready (normal)
Often factory bevel is multifaceted
Not the most acute bevel angle
The Gold Dollar 66 is provably the cheapest available SR that can be relatively easily made shave-ready. Once properly honed, this SR can give very comfortable shaves with an edge that lasts as well as most other modern carbon steel blades.

I have bought, honed and shaved with a few (about 5) of these SRs. Prior to the early 2020s, GD66 SRs had a reputations of honing difficulties due to their heel grinding and occasional other geometric issues. The manufacturer has since corrected the heel grind problem and improved their quality control to overcome most geometric problems.

The blade's bevel angle can widely vary between razors from over 19° to a little under 18°. Such an angle makes for a more forgiving SR when shaving, particularly for beginners.

Mold flashing is often found on the scales. This can easily be remove with some light sanding.
5.00 star(s)
Lasting Edge
3.00 star(s)
2.00 star(s)
Easy to Sharpen
5.00 star(s)
Easy to Maintain
3.00 star(s)
Shaving Smoothness
4.00 star(s)
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