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1 month in, what is different than expected

After one month of DE shaving I have learned a few things that are different from what I originally thought.

1. I thought DE would be difficult and time consuming. Nope very easy and using Prorasso shave cream and face lather quick as I want it to be.

2. I had no idea I would look forward to shaving. I do.

3. I can shave after a shower at night and look freshly shaven in the morning. My electric shaves were bad and I always looked unshaven.

4. The brush is my favorite part of the shave, then the Aqua Velva.

5. the last surprise is this forum. I have been on other topic forums and usually got tired of the “preaching on how to it my way” and the bickering between folks, kind of like reality shows. This forum has been fun and informative without the drawbacks of others. Well thanks for listening to my ramblings. And thanks for the advise and knowledge sharing.


Girls call me Makaluod
I have been a wet shaver (using brush and soap) all my life. I started in my teens with a DE then into carts for decades. In 2019 I started SR shaving. One month into SR shaving (30 shaves), the biggest difference for my was to discover how much I now enjoyed shaving.
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