hyperwarp Jun 21, 2007 Holy Mololy !!!! Hope the guy who's job it is to "Harvest" the silvertip off these BADBOYS is getting paid a whole lotta $$$$ per hour !!!! Dang, Silvertip Harvesting is prolly more dangerous than Police Work
Holy Mololy !!!! Hope the guy who's job it is to "Harvest" the silvertip off these BADBOYS is getting paid a whole lotta $$$$ per hour !!!! Dang, Silvertip Harvesting is prolly more dangerous than Police Work
Duggo Oct 28, 2007 I wonder if those bad boys can be "domesticated". Like for a pet. I'd never have to worry about my badger brush losing hair again.
I wonder if those bad boys can be "domesticated". Like for a pet. I'd never have to worry about my badger brush losing hair again.