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"Designer stubble"

Have you heard of this term? I just found out they made electric shavers designed to give a perfectly almost shaved look.

Youtube/google istubble. (would normally provide link for convenience but I'm not doing PR for them)
Yep - i ran that way for several years.
Once a fortnight i would run the clippers over my head and face with no comb attachment.
I'd normally attack my face with it on the middle weekend too.

Only difference is, i never called it designer stubble. I'm not a fool.

I think the almost shaved look is good, some folks dont look right with a smooth face.
The last week or so i have been incredibly busy at work so i have been relapsing a bit - i'm shaving tonight for the first time since sunday.... excited!
Is that what this guy sported forever?

Too much work to maintain a constant level of light stubble. I'd rather just skip a few days between shaves.

Also, the term "designer stubble" is dumb.
"Designer stubble" is a pretty good description of it, at least if they're making fun of it. Stubble razors have been around for a while. I remember the term "Don Johnson razor", after the Miami Vice star who was always a bit stubbly on that show.

There were times when I'd go several days between shaves, not because I liked the stubbly look, but because I just didn't care enough, and shaving wasn't as much fun then as it is now. It's a look that works for some people though. Personally, by now I think I may have missed one day of shaving in the past two years.
I used to have an electric razor with the trimmer attachment (popped out, very convenient). The trimmer was good for making sharp precise lines, but was also intended to cut long hair before using the main shaving blades. I hated shaving so much that I would just use the trimmer blades all over my face and go with the stubble look. Then after another week, repeat.

Was I stylish or trendy? Nah, just lazy. :lol:

In my teenage years (and that's a LONG time ago) if I did not shave every day I would look like that. My mother didn't call it designer stubble - she said I looked like a bum! :wink: :lol:
Personally, I find this look disgusting and pathetic. If you are going to grow facial hair do it right. If you are not, shave.
I find that women generally prefer intimacy not to be exfoliating. YMMV, of course.

Personally, I find stubble (light or heavy) to be incredibly uncomfortable & rather annoying to wear...even if I've missed a day shaving (e.g., I'm late to work), I'll come home during my lunch break to shave. I wonder, if these "designer stubble" folks knew about how fun & effective traditional wetshaving was, would they still go around half-shaven?
I recall Don Johnson being the first figure in the public eye to go with the permastubble look. I never watched Miami Vice much but figured that they were trying to convey that he was too cool to shave, beging too busy at night to have time in the morning to shave or put on a pair of sox. Since then, I think Hollywood producers have used that look to toughen up the image of young mail stars, who currently more resemble skinny jeans models than manly men.

I think this look transferred to the non-hollywood culture as a result of expensive, lousy cartridge shave systems. If it's a small fortune to buy new blades and you are milking your old blades, it's not too much of a leap to go permastubble.
Call it what it is, "scruffy-lookin" now SWMBO loves the look on me, but much prefers the feel of clean shaven, so clean shaven wins out in the end.
I sport the stubble look pretty often because I normally go three days between shaves. My face likes the recuperation period. The stubble is just a byproduct of that.
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