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The Last Movie You Watched?

Henry V: Kenneth Brannagh's adaptation of the play by Wild Bill Shakespeare. It is, I think, the best adaptation of a Shakespeare play that I've seen. Its sole contender being Olivier's Hamlet.

Mother: A South Korean film about a woman who tries to prove that her mentally handicapped son is innocent of the murder he's been accused of. It is probably the weirdest movie I've ever seen. Not weird in a Terry Gilliam, trippy sort of way, but weird in a, "that does not seem logical," sort of way. In spite of that, I really loved the ending and it's the type of movie you think about afterward.
I know I am slow, but I just watched Avatar on Bluray disk and my 50" plasma TV. The only word I can think of is, Awesome!

Just watch this one as well. I hated the previews when I first saw them, but the movie itself was fantastic.

+1! It was WAAYYY better than I thought it would be.

Although Scott Pilgrim was technically the last movie I watched, we watched Inception right before it, and all I can say is "Amazing!:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:"
Due Date for me. It was okay, but more of a rental than a purchase. Zach Galifinakis (sp?) played the same character that he did in the Hangover, but since he was the main character the same schtick got played out too much.

Next up...Skyline on Friday. Very much looking forward to that one for no particular reason. :laugh:

Am watching Cleopatra right now. Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, etc. Seems awful, frankly! And I do not think seeming highly dated is the only problem!

Someone seems to have an obsession with ET's cleavage. I think of myself as liking ET, but by current standards away physically she looks pretty bad, at least to me. Fat and kind of unhealthy. Not so the dancing girls and the like.
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