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Yet Another Journal of Razors and Blades and Stuff

@T Bone I enjoy reading your journal and plan to visit more often.
I’ve been using the Henson ++ daily for about a month and I’m finding it to be my favourite.
Thanks, @awk_m4, good to see you here, I appreciate the kind words. I enjoy your posts over on the Henson thread too, I noticed that you've been on a ++ kick lately. I've found a couple of razors that come close for me, but nothing has topped it yet.
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Thanks, @awk_m4, good to see you here, I appreciate the kind words. I enjoy your posts over on the Henson thread too, I noticed that you've been on a ++ kick lately. I've found a couple of razors that come close for me, but nothing has topped it yet.
You're very welcome!!! The ++ is working so well for me that I expect it to overtake the other two in terms of overall usage. I did get the Ti bug out of my system last year...I think I need a vaccine for the RAD Ti virus. :)
Thanks, @awk_m4, good to see you here, I appreciate the kind words. I enjoy your posts over on the Henson thread too, I noticed that you've been on a ++ kick lately. I've found a couple of razors that come close for me, but nothing has topped it yet.
@T Bone it's funny how things go sometimes. I used the ++ for about a month with no issues. Yesterday mornings shave left me with a nick on my scalp along with some irritation on the back of my head. Definitely attributed to pilot error. This morning I gave myself a bit of a break by switching back to the +. I'm happy to say that the shave was excellent.
@T Bone it's funny how things go sometimes. I used the ++ for about a month with no issues. Yesterday mornings shave left me with a nick on my scalp along with some irritation on the back of my head. Definitely attributed to pilot error. This morning I gave myself a bit of a break by switching back to the +. I'm happy to say that the shave was excellent.
This may be the biggest area of exploration for me - both with my 3 Gamechanger base plates (.68-P, .76-P, and .84-P) as well as with my Henson + (although I'd have to acquire a ++ to do this).

I'm currently focusing on blade experimentation (with my Overlander and Masamune), so I'm deferring this "project" until late Summer.

I can't do too many things at once and make sense of it, 'coz I get all kerfuffle'd :letterk1:

... Thom
@T Bone it's funny how things go sometimes. I used the ++ for about a month with no issues. Yesterday mornings shave left me with a nick on my scalp along with some irritation on the back of my head. Definitely attributed to pilot error. This morning I gave myself a bit of a break by switching back to the +. I'm happy to say that the shave was excellent.
With the exception of a rare bad blade though, it's pretty much always user error, isn't it? The best razors help keep those errors to a minimum, but they still happen to the best of us. Glad the mild got you back on track!
With the exception of a rare bad blade though, it's pretty much always user error, isn't it? The best razors help keep those errors to a minimum, but they still happen to the best of us. Glad the mild got you back on track!
Exactly! In all my years of DE shaving I've only encountered one blade that cut me with each stroke and that one was on it's third use. I've been one and done ever since. Any and all mishaps before and after have always been attributed to pilot error.
Speaking of razors that don't help minimize user error...

Blackland Era 3SB
Nacet (4)
Muhle 19mm STF classic small
AoS eucalyptus cream and balm

I finished my first blade with the Era 3SB. It hasn't gone well since the first pretty good shave, and not for the reason I originally expected. As I mentioned, I had a hard time getting a close shave with this plate a year ago. I guess I'm getting the shave angle now, but this razor has given me more weepers than I expected, and I've been focusing hard on a feather-light touch these last 2 shaves. I'm not sure it's even worth trying 4 shaves with another blade, there's probably no feasible way back for it, either in my mind or on my data sheet. Only problem is, I'm out of town right now, and I only brought the Era plates with me. If the 3SB is proving more aggressive than I like, I can't imagine the 4SB will be any better.

Side note: Aftershave balm squeeze bottles >> pumps. There's like a cm left in this one, and it's already sputtering when I pump it. I'll have to see if there's any way I can get it open without smashing the bottle when I get home to transfer what's left to a better container.
Blackland Era 4SB
Nacet (4)
AP Shave 24mm G5C rocket engine
Southern Witchcrafts Gothorum Tonstrina
Stirling unscented glacial balm

Shaving with the Era 4SB for a week left me with more questions than answers. Shave 1 was about what I expected, picking up where I left off with the 3SB - DFS+ but tons of weepers. But shave 2 was much better - closer, yet just a couple of weepers. Shave 3 I actually pulled off the feat of keeping all of my blood inside - still DFS+, though not quite as close as I held back a bit to pull it off. And today was the closest of the 4, with just 2 neck weepers - 1 was incidental, the other was stupidly trying too hard around my adam's apple. And other than that first shave, post-shave has felt great.

After failing miserably with the 3SB, I figured the 4SB wouldn’t be any good either, and the Era would go up for sale. I considered posting a WTT to see if I could trade my 4 down to a 2, though I’m not sure if I really want to try that hard to maybe make the Era work. But given these last 2-3 shaves, I suppose I’ll probably give the 4SB another week.
Blackland Era 4SB
Nacet (4)
Wald A1 Nimbus fan
Southern Witchcrafts Gothorum Tonstrina
Stirling unscented glacial balm

Wrapping up week 2 with the Era 4SB. Today's shave was ok - took a bit longer than it should, got a neck weeper on the first pass and a couple on my mustache on the second. End result is DFS+ with pretty negligible skin tightness.

Among the 8 razors I've compared since starting this journal, I'd slot this one right around the the Blackbird Lite and Tatara Nodamune, maybe just above - so near the bottom of the pack. If stranded on a desert island with only this razor (and presumably a supply of soap and blades), I could make this work so I'd be nice and clean-shaven when finally rescued. (Since of course that's a priority, after food and fresh water, and just before shelter.) It's a bit more aggressive than I prefer though, so since I'm not looking for a challenge, I don't see coming back to it. It's made me curious to try a second week with the 3SB though, since I still have that. I suspect it'll prove better than my first week with it, possibly even better than the 4SB, even if it's unlikely to be a keeper either.
Blackland Era 3SB
Nacet (1)
AP Shave 24mm G5C rocket engine
Proraso green soap
Stirling unscented glacial balm

Starting week 2 with the Era 3SB off well. BBS- with 1 lone mustache weeper and negligible skin tightness in a reasonable amount of time. Nice start to a Friday. Have a great weekend!
Blackland Era 3SB
Nacet (4)
AP Shave 24mm G5C rocket engine
Southern Witchcrafts Gothorum Tonstrina
Stirling unscented glacial balm

Took too long today, spent some extra time trying to clean up a couple of spots that just didn't want to get smooth. 3 little weepers, but only 1 from my dumb extra touch-ups. Still a BBS- (9/10), with negligible post-shave tightness.

I'm not sure what to do with the Era now. The 4SB doesn't interest me anymore, I'd consider it "usable but challenging" along with Blackbird Lite. And just looking at my scoresheet, the 3SB is actually dead last of the 9 razors I've tried since I started this journal. But that includes a bad first week and a good second week. If I ignore the first week, it's right there with Masamune and Athena, a half-click below Henson++. So was the first week a fluke, or the second? My sense is that if I gave it more time, it’d end up between the two, probably closer to this week. Around Henson+++ and Masadachi level. I was all set to sell it, but I think I’ll hang onto it for now, at least until I see how Overlander and Winning do.
Karve Overlander AL
Nacet (1)
Wald A1 Nimbus fan
Proraso green soap
AoS eucalyptus balm

I've been looking forward to this one. Overlander was one of the first razors I tried when I solicited recommendations last year (just after Era, IIRC), and a rare razor that I liked right away. But apart from a one-off shave during the 2 Bridges blade PIF, I haven't used it in about a year. It's good to finally rectify that.

I thought I was flying through the shave, but the timing turned out to be about average. I did have to repeat a few areas just because I don't have the angle dialed in quite yet. 1 single weeper under my chin, some minor post-shave tightness, and a 9/10 BBS- result. I was expecting the Overlander to challenge my top 3 (Henson++, Masamune, and Athena), and the first shave didn't disappoint.
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