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Your shaving bowl is terrible - 2 part PIF


You're gonna need a bigger boat.

The worst impromptu bowl I ever rigged up was an automatic drip coffee pot back before I discovered face lathering. The lady at the hotel desk refused to let me borrow a mug. Guess I'm not trustworthy lookin'. :closedeye
Guys, apparently my daughter doesn't like her boat full of foam...
I tried to find some other alternatives...but I dunno...it doesn't seem to be working.

My saving bowl is terrible and I admit it
Ill throw mine in. My shaving bowl is terrible and I admit it I use a Menards coffee cup, in a stunning eye catching yellow.
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The mugs arent that bad. When I worked for Menards they send you things like that for Christmas and other holidays. I just looked this morning and I have 2 of the beautiful yellows mugs and 4 dark green ones. The VDH brush isnt that bad to me but Ive only been in this game a few weeks.
I will be grabbing the ones to be voted on here later on today, still a bit of time if anyone else wants in.
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