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You guys were right, about 100 shaves .

This week I had a business trip and took my travel razor (single edge cartridge razor - Gillette Guard), and although the Guard works great when traveling, I was counting the days until I got back home to use a str8 razor again. Yes, it takes me longer to shave with a str8 than with anything else, but man is it worth it.

As I finished shaving this morning with a str8 razor, I realized that when I was considering trying a str8 razor back in Dec/Jan, I ran across many posts stating that on average, it takes about 100 shaves before a newbie gets down the process of using a str8 razor. Back then I though: man, that sounds like an awful long time!. Well, it has been about 100 shaves, and sure enough, within the last 2 weeks I have noticed that I am getting consistently good shaves every day (DFS, which is my goal). And not just with one razor either - besides my Titanium shorty, I have also gotten great shaves from my original Gold Dollar (first razor I honed by myself), a loaned Double Fish Wedge (about 6/8), a loaned W&B 7/8 Wedge, and of course my Feather RG/KAI blade razor.

So perhaps a long winded post to simply say thanks - I really appreciate the help/advice so far :biggrin1:
Congrats! After a while it becomes second nature don't it?
Yes, but I got a very small scar to remind me not too become too complacent.

I think that part of the learning curve is to try and find out various techniques for the "trouble" or difficult areas. Since we are all a little different, "I" have to figure out what works for "me". That is a big part of the 100 or so shaves - experimentation to fine-tune one's technique. I am now experimenting on various ways to do the finishing of the edge, stropping with CBN, trying various grinds (so far I like wedges better than hollow grinds!), etc.. I just got a near-mint Hart Steel 7/8 Square tip that I am looking to try out soon :drool:
I'm on shave 6, and sooo frustrated. Took a break today and did a 3 pass BBS with my DE. 100 shaves, huh? Thats a long ways away. I hope I can stick it out. I haven't cut myself yet (knock on wood), just not feeling the smoothness at all...not in the shaving, and certainly not in my face.
Good to hear because I need all the encouragement I can get. I have been at it for 3 weeks and it's been, not good. So thanks!
For those having an issue with "smoothness", check your angle. Chances are you're going too steep. Maybe holding your straight at the same angle you were holding your DE/SE/cart. There's nothing here but the blade, nothing bending the blade for a different angle on your face, just you. When I decreased the angle of the straight on my face I found a marked improvement in the quality of my shaves. Good luck all.


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