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What TV series you watching?


If you mean the last few minutes, then yes, it was too dark literally. Like many shows (and movies) I can barely see anything.

But the final episode, for me it was just Royal coming to the realization and acceptance of who Autumn actually was. I was satisfied except for having to wait two years to witness Cecilia's reaction.
Wife and I watched the first episode of "This is Going to Hurt", a hospital show on Acorn. Billed as hilarious it was anything but, unless one enjoys seeing lots of blood, c-sections being performed, operating room errors, misdiagnosis and unlikable characters, all coupled with a muddy soundtrack that was hard to follow even with sub-titles. A couple of funny lines were not enough to make us watch EP2.

With my wife in the other room, I watched the first two episodes of Peter Gunn (1959) on Prime last nite. I remember watching it as a kid. I mainly turned it on for the Mancini theme which was a hit back them. Noirish, a bit slow moving, with some good jazz numbers, although I wasn't a big fan of the "sultry" Lola Albright singing. Guest stars are interesting early in their career. Gavin MacLeod (Love Boat) was the crime boss in Ep 1.

Prime started the show with a couple commercials, with another interruption later on. Not sure I want to pay Bozo an extra $3 a month for commercial free.
Really, just OK?? I absolutely love Shetland. Henshall and Bonnar are great together.
Yeah, just okay to me. I could explain but I do not want to give anything away. I thought the plot was rather contrived. I have not focused on the acting. You may well be right that there is good chemistry there. The scenery seems absolutely amazing and I do not usually pay much attention. So I thinking production values are high.
I came across an older show (2009) on Acorn TV called Collision. Only 5 episodes and starred Douglas Henshall, Kate Ashfield and Lucy Griffiths. It was surprisingly good. I think it aired originally on Masterpiece Theater.
The Gentlemen on Netflix. Excellent if you like that British violent dark comedy that Guy Ritchie does so well. Very well cast.



My elbows leak
Staff member
The wife just finished binging Glitch, an Australian "sort-of-zombies" series with a twist.
I didn't watch all of it, but what I saw was quite good!

Finally got my wife to watch The Last Kingdom, so I'm re watching it with her. She is really enjoying it so I'm hoping I can get her to read the books when we finish the series. I found the books to be better but the show is very good.


Needs milk and a bidet!
Mare of Easttown.

This may very well be the last police detective whodoneit I can stomach. I’ve watched to many they are all predictable now. I also find it very cringe that tv shows are switching to vape instead of cigs. I don’t even know why they want every character smoking anyway.
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