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The under $10 restoration challenge.


Staff member
Inspired by Antique Hoosier's $20 razor challenge I have decided to do an extension of it over here.

While the previous thread encourages people to try new and different razors that they might otherwise not give time to, this thread is to encourage you to save an ugly duckling.

The rules;

Starting from now, go out (or on-line) and find yourself an ugly, cheap and unloved razor. It is not allowed to cost more than $10 delivered, so it is going to be rough. That is good. The uglier the better.

Post a before photo of it the day you receive it.

Get to work! You can do anything you need to, and spend as much as you like, pimping your razor. Make it as pretty as you can, but you have to do all the work yourself, no sending it out to a pro. You can get it professionally honed if you need to.

Post an after picture, along with a link or a copy of the before shot.

You have one month to fix up the razor.

Good luck gentlemen and Godspeed. :thumbup1:
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Staff member
Here is my first try. I found it in a second hand store today and swapped it for some books, but it had a $10 price tag. It is a near wedge Maleham & Yeomans, Sheffield.

Very rough. :bored:



Edit: Some clearer photos for historical purposes.
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This will be tough but I'll keep my eye out. Not having any wild hunting grounds around here will make it tough to add in shipping and stay under $10. heh
I have one or two I'll post later. I hadn't planned on getting to them for awhile as they need A LOT of work, but this challenge may be enough to get my butt in gear.

It would be neat if all of us that join the challenge vote on a winner in the end and send them something. A soap, AS, etc. something cheap. Just an idea.
I have one or two I'll post later. I hadn't planned on getting to them for awhile as they need A LOT of work, but this challenge may be enough to get my butt in gear.

It would be neat if all of us that join the challenge vote on a winner in the end and send them something. A soap, AS, etc. something cheap. Just an idea.

I'm down for that, not that I expect to win with the stuff I see you guys do, but it ads a little incentive. (or maybe in-scent-ive)


Staff member
Then this is the perfect challenge for you! Get your chops up with minimal investment if it all goes south... heh

Exactly! My first restore was the rustiest razor you ever saw. But my theory was "what is the worst that can happen?". Better to mess up and learn lessons with a cheapo.

By the way, that rusty razor is now one of my favorites. :thumbup1:

As far as prizes, we can look into that. But I'm not really seeing this so much as a competition as an opportunity to hone our skills and to save some poor little unloved razor from the trash heap. You can do as much or as little work on your razor as you like, but what I am hoping to see is lots of razors which would normally be considered too far gone to bother with turned back into usable and useful items. That should be reward enough. Oh, that and fame and the peoples ovation forever. :lol:
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Staff member
Oh, and this might be an opportunity for you guys who have been thinking of trying your hand with a grinder to make a shorty. Those blades with the tip chipped off them usually go for a good price. :lol:
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Oh, and this might be an opportunity for you guys who have been thinking of trying your hand with a grinder to make a shorty. Those blades with the tip chipped of them usually go for a good price. :lol:

Good call! I might have to go that route. I'd love to have a shorty, it might be just what I need to take care of my trouble spots.
Im going to a flea market on saturday if i can find something there I'll give this a shot. this will be my first attempt at a restore. I will post back this weekend
I've got no hope. I don't go anywhere where I might be able to pick up and old razor for $10 or less and I certainly won't be able to get one off eBay, posted to me for that price.


Staff member
I've got no hope. I don't go anywhere where I might be able to pick up and old razor for $10 or less and I certainly won't be able to get one off eBay, posted to me for that price.

I'll tell you what. You mail me one of your razors and I will mail you a $10 one. :biggrin1:
I've got no hope. I don't go anywhere where I might be able to pick up and old razor for $10 or less and I certainly won't be able to get one off eBay, posted to me for that price.

Buy a lot of razors. I buy lots often and the average price of each razor ends up usually in the $6-10 range.


Buy a lot of razors. I buy lots often and the average price of each razor ends up usually in the $6-10 range.

What? You're telling johnmrson to buy lots of razors?

And yeah us poor folk from down under are pretty well out of this challenge.


Staff member
What? You're telling johnmrson to buy lots of razors?

And yeah us poor folk from down under are pretty well out of this challenge.

That's what I thought on the $20 challenge in the other section! But I went to a second hand shop and found two for $10 each. Admittedly they were ones the dealer considered pieces of @#$!, but that is the point. Hit the junkier "antique" shops and ask if they have anything "unrestored". There is a good chance they have a draw full of rusty ones with broken scales which they have not had time to do anything with. The funny thing is, the ones which I got for $10 I would consider in much better condition than the ones the shop was selling for $40-$50. Those ones had less rust and cleaner scales, but a lot more hone wear and edge damage. Dealers often have no idea and they will charge less for the razor just because it is not as shiny.

Forget ebay if you are in Australia (unless you buy a lot, like Harvitz81 suggested). Go to a shop and say "do you have any rusty old razors I can buy for cheap because I want to practice my restoration work?"
Tell them about this challenge if you want to. Many, I'm sure, will be happy to take your shiny $10 note in exchange for the potential tetanus infection they have had in the draw for years, and have been too lazy to clean themselves.
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Staff member
OK! I've timed this to be my 3k post because...

I'm done!

It still has a bit of light pitting and marks on the blade which I can't seem to get out just by hand sanding, but I think it came out pretty well, considering what it looked like before. And, more importantly, it is now a usable tool again and another razor has been saved from the scrapheap.

Purple translucent acrylic, green acrylic wedge, nickel silver pins.

I hope you guys are going well in the junk shops, flea markets and internet sites this weekend. I want to see some more. :001_smile

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