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Taylor of Old Bond Street TTO Razor


member 119848

Today I came across this TTO in a local drugstore.
It stated "Made in Germany" and "Taylor of Old Bond Street" on the packaging.
I opened the box to have a look at the razor and it felt pretty well made. The knurling was grippy, and the razor had quite some hefty weight. It´s the first TTO I am seeing, so I can´t compare it to any other TTO.
The razor retailed for 40€. It´s chrome plated, but I don´t know if its brass or zamak underneath the plating.
Does anyone know this razor?


member 119848

I doubt it is made in England. Probably made in China or India.

Looked again on the packaging, and the manufacturer´s logo is Erbe Solingen. Sure, it is mentioned "made in Germany", but I believe some companies are misleading us in their labels.
The same razor has also been branded under the name "Korium", sold as a plated brass razor.
The price tag of this razor is almost twice as much as a Parker. Hard to know if it´s justified...
There are a number of vendors selling this razor and claiming it is made in Germany; more likely assembled in Germany.
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