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<<< SOTD “Obscure Shaving Gear/Den Diving/Archaeology Week” January 8th to 14th, 2024 >>>

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Ditto, ditto
Prep: warm water splash

Razor: Muhle Rocca R94
Blade: Gillette Platinum (3)
Soap: Arko stick, applied to wet face
Brush: Simpson Duke 3 Best

DFS (two passes, slight jawline buffing)

Post: Gentleman Jon Alum Block, zero feedback

Aftershave: Aqua Velva Ice Blue
Fragrance: none

Have a great day!

Wednesday SOTD

Razor: Hiram Commander
Blade: Schick Proline P-30 (D3)
Brush: Black Eagle Rhino Black Feather 25mm
Bowl: Castle Shave 4 1/4"
Pre-Shave Scrub: PAA Iced Enigma Machine Cube 2.0
Pre-Shave Balm: GroomingDept Unscented
Shave Soap: Ariana & Evans A&E, Which One's Pink
Butter: Saponificio Varesino Puro Burro di Karitè
Aftershave: Ariana & Evans A&E, Which One's Pink

Razor - Charcoal Goods 3rd Gen Level 3
Blade - Wizamet Super Iridium
Brush - Alpha Outlaw Polished Brass
Soap - DG/HoM/NO Cerberus

First shave with the Charcoal Goods Gen 3. Moderate blade feel and fairly efficient. Not as aggressive as I expected from a level 3 plate. Makes me wonder if the level 2 plate and the everyday plate will be too mild for me. Overall the shave was enjoyable. Cerberus scent is fairly strong and it grows on you.

Razor: Gillette English Flat Bottom Tech
Blade: Tiger Platinum (3rd use)
Brush: Omega 48
Preshave: Proraso White
Cream: Palmolive Classic
Aftershave: Malizia Uomo Vetyver

I had a bit of an "a-ha" moment today. After using the Fatip and realising how guard forward an angle it needed, I tried using a more guard forward angle with the Tech (usually I aim more towards the cap, still with the guard touching though), and I had a smoother shave. With the last few touch ups, I decided to try and do the angle I was previously using, and I got the first weeper of the shave, hmm. Tiger Platinum isn't feeling the sharpest but it's still comfortable and doing the job, so I'll stick with it some more.


Check Out Chick
Staff member

1) Portugal: Brush Semogue Galahad Boar.
2) Turkey: Shaving Soap Derby.
3) USA: Razor Gillette NDC Gold Ball End Tech.
4) Russia: Razor Blade Gillette Platinum Blue Box White Lettering.
5) France: Alum Block Osma.
6) Australia: Aftershave Balm Natio For Men Calming Aftershave Balm.
7) Spain: EDT Adidas Ice Dive.
Wednesday, January 10, 2024.

Floïd oil pre shave. Taylor of Old Bond Street: Cedarwood shaving cream. H.L. Thater, 4125-2, two bands badger, Imperial red. Cocodrilo 14, straigh razor. Le Pere Lucien, lotion du barbier, Cedre - pachuli. L'Occitane, Cèdre & orange, aftershave balm. Loewe, Solo, Cedro, EdT.
sotd 10-1

Razorock Lupo SS .95 SB
Polsilver Super Iridium (1)
Mühle STF M
Hendrix Classics & Co - Alpine Forest (sample)
Pitralon Classic AS
Balea Men Energy ASB

3rd sample of HC&C for me to try. Lovely fresh smell, which also fades quite fast during the shave. Nice little itch of menthol. Very nice feeling face afterwards. Could be a great refreshing summer soap. Great combination with the Pitralon as well.

A SOD.jpg

Face wash with Cera Ve Hydrating Facial Cleanser
Vintage Williams
Paladin PK 47
Old Spice Mug + Captain’s Choice Copper
Feather AS-D2
Thayers WH & AoS ASB
Yves Saint Laurent
A beautiful shave on a beautiful day! This is my third shave in a row with the Feather AS-D2 razor and Feather blade. Another smooth, close shave. This is one of the few razors where I can go ATG on my mustache area. Today’s brush is another of my Paladin brushes: a PK 47. The brush does a nice job of loading soap and makes great lather. The Williams was used for the 35th time. The AoS ASB smells and feels great. Have a great day, folks.
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