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Shaving soaps or creams

I have used shaving soaps, and I actually prefer the creams, but after trying a couple of over the counter, reasonably priced creams, I'm done with all of it. I started on this journey just using store bought bar soap, and I'm going back to it. Yeah, some of the soaps, and creams I bought were nice, but I am not an affictionado of any of them. Not spending $20 on a puck, or less, when I can get the same, or better shave from the bar soap sitting on my bathroom sink. Just me, and not trying to sound cheap, but I have spent a few bucks on this hobby, and although I enjoy a great shave as much as the next guy, and the ME time this style of shaving affords, I am going back to the soap I started this journey on. I hardly ever use my brush anymore, except for a weekend shave. During the week I love using my DE, in the morning, just don't use the brush that much, with the time I have. Work up a lather in my hands, wash my face, rinse, lather up again with the soap I wash my face, and I get a really close shave, that is close, not irritating, and leaves my face feeling smooth. A good rinse, and pat dry. Apply my after shave, and on my way. Time is just not on my side in the morning, and I'm not getting up 30-45 minutes earlier just to do all that traditional shaving stuff, and the clean up of the brush, and the bowl. Nice on the weekend, when time is not the enemy. Like I said, I started using bar soap when I got my first DE razor, and I am happy with it at this time. The blades I use are Wilkinson Sword from Germany, and they give me a close, comfortable shave. The Wilkie is paired with my Parker 91R, and is a great combination, with never any irritation. I love all things DE, just not for me to spend a lot of money doing this morning necessity. Possibly when I retire, I will look at this again, with more time on my hands. At this time, I am very comfortable using the soap on the sink...
If I’m going that quick, I’d use couple of quid Palmolive Cream, works a charm for me. But whatever works for you. I tend to palm lather with a boar brush and rub the hand on my face very well before using the brush.
I say “do what works for you”. I don’t think anyone here will argue. 🍻
Thank you! Kind of just stating what I'm doing. Not looking for judgement, but appreciate the support!! 🍻 I really do enjoy DE shaving, but sometimes all that goes with it is not time friendly. Anyone else doing the same?
I agree that whatever works for you is fine, after all it's your face. I tried body soap a couple of times, and didn’t find it pleasant at all. Maybe I didn't use it right.
But as for saving money, one of my pucks (triple-milled) that I really enjoy, and have used regularly for a couple of years, isn't half gone.
I actually do quite the opposite and do get up an extra 15 minutes earlier, so I can do the full treatment, with brush and soap. For me, the brush and soap make up the better part of a classic shave.

But as many have stated before, do whatever works for you and enjoy it while you are at it! Thanks for sharing.
I actually do quite the opposite and do get up an extra 15 minutes earlier, so I can do the full treatment, with brush and soap. For me, the brush and soap make up the better part of a classic shave.

But as many have stated before, do whatever works for you and enjoy it while you are at it! Thanks for sharing.
Yes,it does! Just not everyday. On the weekend, its great! Take my time, soak my brush, lather up in my bowl. ME time!! It's a great shave!


Stupid sexy Wing Nut
I am a pretty slow shaver so I can appreciate the frustration to a degree. The thing is, I do get up and shave in the dark and it's so enjoyable, even when I don't want to get up. Do what works for you and all, but don't underestimate the longer term consequences of using the wrong software. With a synthetic brush and shaving cream, I can palm lather some water into the brush, add my cream(or use a shave stick) and spread it on my face about as fast as hand lathering. That's why I don't understand not using a brush, it's a tool to help you do something easier. I hardly add much water with cream so it's not like I am building a lather, just trying to get everything wet enough not to clog my razor. To put some numbers to it, I have timed myself many times, I can walk into the washroom and back out 20 minutes later. If I am not paying attention to the clock, it takes me every bit of double that and more! Heck, I have even left my synthetic to clean up later which only saves a few minutes.
First I’ve heard of using bar soap to shave. I’m not brave enough to try that…lol. I do the traditional full shave routine every day. I work from home so I don’t have to get up super early to get my shave in. I can do it whenever I have time. Most days I shower and shave after I take the kids to school.
You don't have to do an elaborate, expensive ritual. If I'm in a hurry, I usually just use a shave stick and face lather after taking a shower.

I got some Speick sticks in a pack of six for around $5 each. Arko sticks can be really cheap at $1.25 each in a pack of twelve. A stick could last a few months. A shave cream like Palmolive is pretty inexpensive and can be quick to use.
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First I’ve heard of using bar soap to shave. I’m not brave enough to try that…lol. I do the traditional full shave routine every day. I work from home so I don’t have to get up super early to get my shave in. I can do it whenever I have time. Most days I shower and shave after I take the kids to school.
Nice that you have the time. You would surprised how slick some bar soaps are. Right now it's Ivory, and I also have Dove Mens Care. I don't use a lot of pressure, and the bar soap is slick. A little water to rewet if you need to do clean ups.
You don't have to do an elaborate, expensive ritual. If I'm in a hurry, I usually just use a shave stick and face lather after taking a shower.

I got some Speick sticks in a pack of six for around $5 each. Arko sticks can be really cheap at 12 sticks for $15. A stick could last a few months. A shave cream like Palmolive is pretty inexpensive and can be quick to use.
Yeah, I know. I have a tube of Gillette Pure, which I use on weekends full boat. Pretty good cream. I have hand applied it, but I'm kinda liking the bar soap. When I travel, I don't bring the tube. But I do bring my own bar soap, as those hotel soaps are too small.
Most of my shaves are with "non-traditional" soaps. I use olive oil based soaps for the most part, but Dove (original) is always in my rotation. That scent is my favorite of all time.

I could care less about big, thick and cushiony lather. Even when I do use traditional soaps like Tabac and MWF, I stick to a wetter lather for easier glide.
Most of my shaves are with "non-traditional" soaps. I use olive oil based soaps for the most part, but Dove (original) is always in my rotation. That scent is my favorite of all time.

I could care less about big, thick and cushiony lather. Even when I do use traditional soaps like Tabac and MWF, I stick to a wetter lather for easier glide.

I use gel for the same reason. I get that it is a nice "feeling to have a big cushiony lather. But, does it really accomplish anything?

I guess it might help hydrate the beard and help to hold in moisture? May provide a thickness that can provide resistance to the pulling action?

I spend a few minutes hydrating my face, leaving it wet. I put the gel on my fingers and spread it around directly on my face.

That allows the gel to bond with my skin, building up a thin but dense layer. This provides a heavy layer of lubrication.

It seems to me that the only thing that matters is that you have lubrication on the surface of your face for the blade to glide across?

I only shave using a single pass. Rinsing my face gets rid of the excess lather around the edges. However, there still remains a clear layer of slickness for the clean-up pass. I can rinse again and there will still be water soluble slickness available for any additional clean-up that may be warranted.

Having a slick layer of lubrication directly on the surface of the skin, seems to be the important factor.
The lubrication is very important to getting the blade to glide over your face. Stearic acid in the soap, cream, gel, helps to soften your beard. Glycerin, and aloe also help with slickness. Comfort is king with DE shaving!!
Out of curiosity, why?
Perhaps I haven't used the right shaving cream yet but the ones I tried (TOBS, GFT, Proraso, Palmolive, Speick) never gave me the lather I'm looking for, regardless of the method used. XPEC and SMN are already a step up when it comes to creams.

I really like low structure, dense and slick lather. Soaps like Lothur/B&M/PAA/Zingari/DG provide me with this type of lather. That being said, from time to time I also enjoy using more traditional hard soaps like MdC/Haslinger/SV. I would rate these similarly to a great shaving cream.
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