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Shave with Ivory bar soap challenge...

When I was a kid and either forgot to go out and get more Edge Gel, or I just couldn't afford more Edge Gel when I was in college, I would shave with Ivory soap. I was using either Bic disposables or an Atra or something like that. I remember using Ivory on more than one occasion. More like many occasions. My recollection was that while it worked, it left my face dry and somewhat irritated. If it worked and worked well and was pleasant I would have had no reason to go out and buy more shaving cream. But I always did buy more shaving cream. Ironically, while the Ivory soap dried out my face, so did the Edge. Only I didn't realize it for decades until I started using real shaving cream with a brush. The difference was immediately noticeable. It pains me to think I had been using that stuff for so long when there was always other options out there that were far superior. At least now I know.
Hmm. I've been going through this thread for a few hours. I like you man. Can't see why everyone has to be so negative. Just these dumb farts whose minds can't be changed about anything. I for one love a great value shave. Just picked up some Ivory today for another experiment. This was my morning experiment of the day and it turned out better than expected. What was your method for working the soap?
I wet the bar with warm water, loaded my brush and face lathered. I like slick better than foamy, but this was actually both.


I didnt know
I'd try it in a heartbeat. I rarely use bar soap so I dont have any Ivory. I do however have Dawn and did use it...


I already had a fresh blade loaded in the Bullet Tip so thats what I used. I could have just as easily used the MMOC, possibly even easier.

Bullet Tip/PTFE 1
Brush: None.

I wet my face thoroughly with warm water, my usual preshave prep. Then I squeezed out about a quarter size blob on my fingers and slowly wiped it over my face and neck mixing it with the water but not creating any froth. Anyone thats used this soap knows how slippery it is in your hands. Mixed with a little bit of water its even slipperier.

First pass N>S, easy peasy. No fuss, long incredibly smooth strokes from the top of my cheek to the base of my neck. Blade feel was obvious. I noticed by the time I got to the left side of my face I was using the razor as steeply as I do with the MMOC on shave 8. Very steep, to get the most blade feel I can have and using more pressure too. I finished that pass and smirked.

I felt around before starting my second pass and found I had a nice and very comfortable first pass. My skin was mostly dry, the blade didnt leave much behind. I knew the soap wasnt gone so I wet my hand and rubbed my face again lightly until the slickness woke up and stopped again just as foam was starting to be created.

Second pass S>N. More of the same insane slickness. Zero cushion. Imagine slippery water. I shaved all areas S>N then started buffing around my chin and sides of my mouth. It was so slick and so easy it defies description.

Finished that pass, I felt around again not sure if there would be enough soap to wake back up, there wasnt. I doled out a dime size dollop and wiped it over my face the same as before then started ATG from my jawline down. No issues whatsoever, not even over my swirls.

I finished with a nice BBS over all areas except along my left side jawline and right under my chin. Its borderline BBS but not quite. The blade feel is so pronounced I must have dropped the angle where I can feel it the most.

I had to wet a hand towel and wipe my face twice to get the residual soap off. I had light redness left side swirl but no irritation at all anywhere else.

Post shave feel is not the best but thats understandable. Now 20 minutes later, its not so bad at all. My skin is cool, comfortable, supple and just feels clean.

I could very easily use this soap again. I think using a soap thats so thin, offers no cushion at all yet is so slick its actually very protective, is an excellent teacher of technique. I'm pretty confident with my GEM razors and usually shave with abandon. After the first 1/2 a stroke, I was shaving with even less worry.

I'd use Dawn again without hesitation, the same as I would any bar soap, other than Lava haha.
Aaaaaaah yes!

I love NOT pushing chemicals (with names I can't even pronounce) into my skin. Ivory doesn't have parabens, either.

Ivory has been around since the 1800s and I'm quite sure men shaved with it back then.

Good honest shave with this stuff.
Aaaaaaah yes!

I love NOT pushing chemicals (with names I can't even pronounce) into my skin. Ivory doesn't have parabens, either.

Ivory has been around since the 1800s and I'm quite sure men shaved with it back then.

Good honest shave with this stuff.

Or, you could just use Arko. Ivory pre-packaged for shaving! :001_rolle
It sticks in my mind when I was in US Navy boot camp (as a much younger man) in San Diego we were only allowed to purchase/use Zest bar soap, and that went for shaving as well. This was back in the early 1980's, though, and it's entirely possible I'm not remembering things correctly.

At this stage in my life I might be willing to try something like this as a lark but, generally speaking, I'm much more of a "horses for courses" sort of guy.


I shaved the pig
Ivory is the only bar soap I can ever remember using my whole life. The odd hotel sample soap or the rare gift soap, might get subbed in for a wash or two. I got a sample soap with my blade delivery a while back, lovely fragrance, good lather and moisturizing..........but not Ivory. It’s comfort for me, predictable, clean no nonsense bar of soap. Never shaved with it!
I can make fabulous lather w Ivory. I mix it up in a bowl. It is slicker than owl ****. The best lathering bath soap is a mix of Dove and Irish Spring: Magnificent!
It sticks in my mind when I was in US Navy boot camp (as a much younger man) in San Diego we were only allowed to purchase/use Zest bar soap, and that went for shaving as well. This was back in the early 1980's, though, and it's entirely possible I'm not remembering things correctly.

At this stage in my life I might be willing to try something like this as a lark but, generally speaking, I'm much more of a "horses for courses" sort of guy.
I was in the Navy too. And yes I remember the Zest rule ! Lol 😀😀😀


Lounging On The Isle Of Tugsley.
The best lathering bath soap is a mix of Dove and Irish Spring

Do you grate them together? Melt them together? Use the remains of regular bars and squeeze them together?

Edit — scraps placed in a ten year old yogurt container. Thanks!
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Until recently, when I decided to return to more regular wet shaving at the sink, I would shave by feel in the shower using ivory soap and a multiblade disposable - lathered it by hand right on my face. It worked perfectly fine. Granted modern shave soaps are more rewarding and fun to work with.


My elbows leak
Staff member
Ivory soap is a favorite of mine - for washing.
I like shaving soap for shaving because of scent and variety.
I have no doubt it could be used in a pinch if you ran out of shaving soap, but let's be honest here - how many B&B members do you think EVER have run out of shaving soap?
Most have a small local storage shed filled with backups.
It sticks in my mind when I was in US Navy boot camp (as a much younger man) in San Diego we were only allowed to purchase/use Zest bar soap, and that went for shaving as well. This was back in the early 1980's, though, and it's entirely possible I'm not remembering things correctly.

At this stage in my life I might be willing to try something like this as a lark but, generally speaking, I'm much more of a "horses for courses" sort of guy.

That's where I was also at that time,
and Zest was the only soap allowed for showering,
but I remember scrubbing the deck with shaving cream.


On the lookout for a purse
I'm just now able to shave with my current combo more than once every 3 days without feeling like I peeled my face. No thanks I'm good!
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