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Sharpest Blades & Softest Touch

Like many new DE shavers I had to try the sharpest blades by reputation. Like many shavers I soon learned that Nacets and Feathers were rough uncomfortable unforgiving blades. A few years later bottom and middle tier blades held back the efficiency I strived for. A combination of technique and soft touch came together in my third year of DE shaving. I moved from Bic Platinums and Nacets to single use Feathers. Over three years of exclusive use of the Fatip Grande had me yearning for a shaper blade. Feathers are the sharpest blades. The .095 OC Lupo may not be the most efficient razor but considerably more efficient than the Grande. A greater blade exposure and blade gap gave the single use Feathers another gear in speed and sharpness. It took a half a dozen shaves to reach the smoothness I was accustomed to with the Feather. Another half dozen shaves to achieve a softer touch.


The Lupo’s blade exposure and gap very apparent without measuring. A combination that softened the blade touch and increased blade efficiency. Quicker closer shaves with reduced strokes and passes. I’m still in the honeymoon stage with the Lupo being the newest member of an efficient locked four. Sharper blades demand a softer touch. Efficient razors excel a sharp blade. Will new found sharpness and efficiency keep me satisfied? Time and familiarity will answer that question.

Happy Shaves
Over the years, I have kept returning to the humble Turkish-made YUMA razor when I wanted a super efficient and close shave. It's a super cheap, and cheap-looking razor, but there is just some magic to it. For sharp blades, I enjoy Feathers in it, but I also find Personna Med Prep to be a very nice sharp and smooth blade.


I shaved a fortune
YMMV as I find Nacets incredibly smooth. I’m a bit scared to try Feathers, though. I have a tuck that is in the drawer mocking me.
Me too.. and I have a tuck of the BIC something-or-other... I'd have to check... Nacets and Perma-Sharps are excellent for me, along with some of the next tier down in sharpness like the Personna Comfort Coated USA and Wizamets.

One day, I'll have enough intestinal fortitude to try the Feathers and BICs.
I use all kinds of blades, but I prefer sharper ones. It will probably sound trite, but it's true, the sharpest are Kai and Feather. I often see Nacets also categorized as sharp, but I don't think so. I'm probably one of the few who doesn't like Nacet. They don't work well for me, I feel pulling, not enough aggression and too short endurance.
When I first started DE shaving, I figured the sharper the blade the better right? (😖)So of course I went with Feathers. BIG MISTAKE! It was so bad, they almost made me give up on DE shaving.

I've since gone to Treet Platinum and Trig's, which are both somewhere in the middle of the sharpness scale. They are safe, comfortable and reasonably efficient for me. I still have a bunch of Feathers, but I haven't touched them since those early days. They psyched me out and got into my head. They own me!😔

Someday, I'll get up the nerve and give em a shot again.
I avoided Feather blades for quite a while. However, once I started using them, I have found them to be a favorite, along with many of the PPI blades and Kai's. The only issue with the Feathers is that they are only good for 1 shave for me. Actually, it would be 2 shaves since I mostly use them 1/2 blade at a time. A very slick cream helps for me as well.
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