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GIVEAWAY! PIF: Fine Shaving Soaps


And here they are. Thanks again. I’ll shave with Lavender Pour Home First.
Shame I’m in 🇬🇧 and didn’t see this. Fine Classic pucks are one of my favourites. Currently as rare as the dodo bird over here. Just have to keep my eyes out for any other such PIF that include the soaps 😜
Preshave St Johns Vetiver soap in the shower
Brush Zenith Manchurian
Face Lathered
Soap Fine Classic Lavender Pour Homme
Razor Wolfman WR2 1.25 SB / @Rosseforp GTB handle
Blade Vintage Shick Super Stainless (2)
splash Fine Lavender Pour Homme
Frag Czech & Speake Oxford & Cambridge

DFS 9.7

Soap was from a wonderful PIF from @TheLegalRazor The rest of the software I had to dig deep into my shaving boxes.The Fine splash has about two fingers left and the C&S stuff is close to full. I also have some of the Vetiver splashes I bought to use with Martin de Candre. The Zenith Manchurian was nice on I believe it's third outing. The blade dispenser says Super Krona comfort Edge. Shave 2 was smooth and sharp. One nick on my upper lip, but, otherwise no drama. This is my favorite lavender scent.
Brush RV Shaving AS3M 25mm STF in Strawberry Amber
Soap Fine Classic Tallow Lavender Pour Homme
Razor PAA Artifact Razor
Blade Gillette Super Stainless The Spoiler F4 Unsure of the date 1985 maybe made in the USA (8)
splash Fine Lavender Pour Homme
Frag Czech & Speake Oxford & Cambridge

DFS+ 9.7 a couple of weepers on my neck.

This is my travel kit, and, I am traveling. I have used both the Fine and Czech & Speake multiple times. I want to thank @TheLegalRazor again for such a great PIF.
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