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May 2024 Gentlemanly Restraint Until Month End (GRUME)

I'm out! I've had my eye on a Wee Scott and decided that today was the day.

Still in..

Morning shave - 5/17/24
Razor: Swing SB
Blade: Ladas Stainless Steel (1/5) (5)
Soap: BSS #1
Brush: RazoRock Plissoft RR400
Aftershave: Stetson Cooling Moisture
Rating: 9.5/10, DFS+
That was a very pleasant shave. Tried to cut down a bit on shave time so I went for 2.5 pass and I still had a very nice and close shave. No irritation. Blade and razor performing perfectly.
Still in. The Fat Boy feels ever so slightly less efficient than the Slim I've used for a few shaves prior. Still a great shave though.

Razor: Fatboy E4
Blade: Wizamet SI (4)
Brush: Omega Hi-brush synthetic
Bowl: Pereira
Soap: Ogallala Bay Rum
AS: Superior 70 Bay Rum, Proraso White Balm
Today's shave, 1 day of growth

Razor : Merkur 34 HD C
Blade : Gillette Wilkinson Sword (3)
Soap (SOTM) : Godrej Cinthol
Brush : Trafalgar T2
Aftershave: Osma Alum block, Bootleg Greene Freeze, Nivea Sensitive calm moisturizer

Now for the fun fact of the day. I have been dealing with a fruit flies invasion and struggling to get ride of them. As I was pouring some some Witch hazel in the palm of my hand I discover a dead fruit fly in the liquid and was like what the heck ... just to discover that they had decided to commit suicide in the bottle ... I guess I have another tool to get ride of those pesky beast now ...

View attachment 1847187
I've had good luck putting out a little saucer of cheap red wine or red wine vinegar. But maybe you've already tried that.
I'm out! I've had my eye on a Wee Scott and decided that today was the day.

View attachment 1847613
Well, that's a lovely little addition to any den and I hope you love it. Of course, I also expect to keep seeing you in this thread, whether or not you go for 30-of-31.

And when a brother falls, it's time for...

Roll Call!

1) @FoolishMortal - SOTMC
2) @Multum in parvo
3) @silverlifter
4) @EclipseRedRing
5) @Guido75
6) @Bsamps
7) @hopper_64 - GRUYERE
8) @iver
9) @Jayson74
10) @cryhavoc - GRUYERE
11) @WThomas0814
12) @JAHE
13) @BobbyB
14) ric164 - out (5/13: Overstander)
15) @SmokedStanley
16) @Texchappy
17) @La Malice - GRUYERE, SOTMC
18) @ChriWilson - GRUYERE, SOTMC, MM '24
19) @JohnG
20) @Pyrate
21) @Beto Salatini
22) @cajunrph
23) @zoidberg
24) @Balin
25) awk_m4 - out (5/17: Wee Scot)
26) @JKaboom
27) @den fly - SOTMC
28) @squank
29) @FullyLoaded
30) @Roedeer
31) @LJBraaten - GRUYERE
32) epindy1911 - out (5/8: Paladin)
33) @Doti B
34) @blethenstrom
35) @FL shaver
Day 17, 54.8% complete

Preshave: Hot washcloth
Soap: Mitchell's Wool Fat (Tallow)
Brush: Yaqi 24mm synthetic cashmere
Razor: GC.84 OC, Al Handle, Astra SP #3
Bowl: Turkish copper
Post-shave: Nivea Balm

I stayed with the open comb. It likes a shallower angle and less pressure than the safety bar. I got some user error on my chin, to remind me to pay attention to both.

Apart from that, it was a comfortable enough shave, like yesterday's.
366 daily shaves

Razorock Game Changer .84P SBGillette Minora (5)Abe’s Brush Works Smokey Bandit
Cold splash
KCG Face Wash
Hampshire Wool Fat (5)Cold splash
Proraso Green

PassesWTG XTG ATG and touch up
Process Quality
Blade Sharpness
7/10 (Nicked myself)4/10 (Sharp Edge)
EffectivenessShave Comfort
8/10 (Smooth)

For extended notes click here

Enjoy your shave everyone!
Still in - no shave today

I’m usually not a boardwalk treasure hunter/dumpster diver but today a box of old books next to the paper bin drew my attention.

On a first glance printed in 1958 and in good condition.


Yet underneath a bunch of empty photo albums this little fella peeked through. It’s completely odorless but I will give it a spa day anyway. It feels like it will be on the floppy side with a bit of scritch.


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