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Join Doc4's January Chin-up Challenge~!~!~!~!~!


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
Chin-ups are a weakness of mine. I can'd do too many ... or many at all.

So ... this January I'm going to change that, and maybe you can help me and I can help you with the same thing!

Here's how it goes: Come 1st January, early in the morning, I'm going to do as many chin-ups as I can in a row. Then I'll post that massive number here. Then every* morning in January I'll do as many as I can in a row ... and post results as often as I can, whether I'm increasing the numbers or not. Come the end of January, I'm hoping ... expecting ... that my numbers will have gone up.

Join me! Post that you're "in" and on the 1st ... post your pre-effort, lowly, "before" number.

The Rules:
  1. Honour system counting and reporting
  2. Only full-range-of-motion ... from hanging with arms fully extended to your chin getting above the bar ... counts as a chin-up
  3. Don't cheat yourself
  4. Get after it!

*I will miss a few mornings due to travel. The hotels I stay at tend not to have work-out rooms and if they do ... no chin-up bar. This is okay and allowed. Not doing the chin-ups because I'm tired, late for work, unhappy, ill, distracted or whatever ... not allowed.
That' a killer of a challenge and i'm not prepared to embarrass myself in front of myself never mind in front of a forum of others.

Hats off to you, you're off a good start, i'll be cheering you on!



Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
Are you doing chin ups or pull ups?

Good clarification.

Chin-ups. ("underhand" palms-facing-me shoulder-width grip.)



Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
after two days off for travelling ... 5
Not in, but I'm following this with interest. I almost took up the challenge, but I'm pretty old and have been doing pullups as part of my morning routine for several months so progress has leveled off for me. I would probably stay at my very low number for the entire month. You have inspired me to change over to chinups for part of my sets in order to get more biceps action.

Some people would say that it's better not to do these daily and to take rest days, but I think it's easier to stick to a regular routine.
I had a friend who used to be in the Marine corps. He told me that during basic military training that if you could do 25 straight pull ups, you'd be entitled to make a phone call. Most I ever did was 25 and that was in my prime many years ago. I'd be happy if I could do 12 now.
More power to you guys who can get away with doing chinups/pullups. I have elbow tendinitis on the right side, and both chinups and pullups can aggravate it. I have learned the hard way to avoid that if at all possible.


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
... dang, I should have checked here first!

Still not in, but n+1 this morning, where n is where I was stuck at before the challenge. I think I'm getting encouragement from this thread. No chinups tomorrow, because I go hiking with a group on Mondays and have to get an early start.
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