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Is it possible to over strop a razor?

I'm not talking about applying too much pressure while stropping, I mean stropping correctly, but too many times. Is it possible to damage your razor like that?

I'm a new straight user, and the other day I stropped my blade, and did a decent job of it, as far as I can tell. I was planning on using it that night, but didn't get around to it. Should I give it another stropping before I use it tonight or tomorrow? I figure I might as well but I don't want to over do it, if that's possible.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
My understanding, no. You can roll the edge while stropping but if done properly, it will be fine.
I cannot say that I have ever heard of a razor being over stropped. The strop really only polishes the edge, so as long as pressure/technique is correct, I don;t think you have anything to worry about.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
At some point, a strop will cease improving the edge. At that point I would consider anything further as overstropping, as it will provide no advantage while simultaneously introducing the possibility of harming the edge, no matter how good your stropping skills may be. In other words, at some point you just don't need to strop any more, other than for the sake of practice.
IIRC someone did an experiment on stropping and found that after 50 laps there was no appreciable increase in shave quality
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