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Drink of the night

Feel free to chime in with your drink (alcoholic or otherwise)!

8/16: A tall snifter of Laphroig 15 year old single malt scotch. Rich, peaty, and delicious. My all time favorite.
tonight, i'm pretty lame.

a glass of water, filtered from this huge PUR thing that i shove in my fridge.

on other nights, it's a glass of beer. it's a great feeling to come home after a hard days work and pour yourself a tall frosty one. for those really hard days at work, it's two frosty ones....
Its old fashioned night with Ancient Age 10 Star. Its become my everyday bourbon. Works well with the fruit.

Scotto said:
Feel free to chime in with your drink (alcoholic or otherwise)!

8/16: A tall snifter of Laphroig 15 year old single malt scotch. Rich, peaty, and delicious. My all time favorite.
That's what I had myself. A damn fine glass of scotch. Smooth? Not really, but so damn tasty! :a17:
I think tonight - i am going to have a White Russian (with Kettle One Vodka) while I sit and enjoy my QED clay mask before I write my review... mmmmmm
If I haven't gone to sleep is it still night?

Earlier, I had some Frog's Leap Cabernet Sauvignon (it was a 2002 that could have stood another year or two in the bottle), a Mai Tai, and a Wet Woody, the specialty of one of the restaurants here.
Stoly vodka martini... Shaken, not stirred. Two beautiful pearled onions.
Some waisabi coated dryed peas for crunching on. :smile:
guenron said:
Stoly vodka martini... Shaken, not stirred. Two beautiful pearled onions.
Some waisabi coated dryed peas for crunching on. :smile:
Hey Ron,

I hate to be a stickler here, but technically isn't your DOTN a (Vodka) Gibson? :wink:


(Edit: I really have to get the smilies sorted out properly, that's supposed to be an animated winky smilie)
White Russians are for soccer moms!


I jest, I jest.

2 shots of my Father-in-law's Grappa and about a half bottle of Riesling for me tonight!

guenron said:
Stoly vodka martini... Shaken, not stirred. Two beautiful pearled onions.
Some waisabi coated dryed peas for crunching on. :smile:

IvanaBitch with a Zergut dill pickle.......mmmmm mmmmmm and waisabi coated dryed peas as well....yum yum
Nick said:
Hey Ron,

I hate to be a stickler here, but technically isn't your DOTN a (Vodka) Gibson? :wink:


(Edit: I really have to get the smilies sorted out properly, that's supposed to be an animated winky smilie)
You are absolutely correct. :a20: (You ratted me out! Argh the humanity of it all!)
Now if I had used a black olive, call it a black marble martini...
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